Thousands of lives and millions of dollars lost every year due to preventable infections that require urgent care

A newly-published landmark study from B.C.’s Providence Health Care finds one solution helps vulnerable patients avoid hospital visits by preventing bloodstream infections while saving significant costs
Powerful KiteLock™ 4% venous catheter lock solution, available by Canadian company SterileCare, proven to significantly reduces preventable infections

TORONTO, Sept. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- During an infectious disease outbreak like COVID-19, patients with compromised immune systems need to avoid hospitalization at all costs. Prevention of potentially life-threatening infections associated with prolonged-use venous catheters is vital to keeping these patients out of hospital. Avoiding repeat hospital visits with the goal to improve patient lives and reduce overall health care costs is a priority for all health authorities across Canada. A new three-year study of patients at high risk for central venous access device occlusion and catheter-related infection in the provincial Home Parenteral Nutrition Program of B.C.’s Providence Health Care shows that the use of KiteLock™ 4% helped significantly avoid or reduce hospital stays and represented a whopping 63% reduction in cost over 24 months.

Every single day, an estimated 34 Canadians1 die of preventable bloodstream infections acquired during hospitalization. The Providence Health Care study found that use of KiteLockTM 4% solution is effective in reducing central catheter infections by 71% and eliminating occlusions. According to the National Institute of Health, 80% of these infections are caused by the formation of bacterial biofilm, many harbouring harmful bacteria such as superbugs in prolonged-use venous catheters, commonly used by vulnerable patients receiving chemotherapy, dialysis, nutrition or drug therapy.

Increased peace of mind for patients

A reduced rate of infection has a significant impact on the lives of patients like Laurie, a world traveller and adventurer from Victoria, B.C., who has travelled to the Balkan Sea, around South America and from Sydney Australia to Bali. Laurie is also living with Crohn’s & Colitis and is unable to adequately absorb oral foods. He has been requiring the use of Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN), feeding by way of an indwelling catheter into his bloodstream for delivery of his daily nutrition, for about 30 years.

“Prior to receiving KiteLock™ 4%, I suffered from regular life-limiting sepsis incidents, which prevented me from travelling confidently and risk-free. I have never felt so confident that I can get on with life and travel without concern about a sepsis incident since beginning to use Kitelock™ 4%, whether I go on a cruise to remote coasts or continents, or equally remote parts of B.C.'s vast west coast inlets and passages.”

Pediatric patients also protected

Another recently-published three-year study of pediatric patients with intestinal failure by the Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto and McMaster’s Children’s Hospital, McMaster University, found that use of KiteLockTM 4% solution is effective in significantly reducing catheter bloodstream infections and occlusions in pediatric patients who require long-term catheter use

An effective solution saving lives during COVID-19

“At SterileCare, we want to ensure as many vulnerable patients as possible feel confident that their catheters will not become a source of potentially deadly infection, helping them avoid those unnecessary hospital visits. These events are very stressful at any time for patients, but especially so in the context of a widespread viral outbreak like COVID-19”, says SterileCare CEO, Karen Mueller. “This is why KiteLock™ 4% is an effective solution that can bring peace of mind to patients.”

About SterileCare

Founded in 2011 with the vision to decrease the risk of widely reported and unnecessary hospital-acquired infections, SterileCare produces, markets and distributes KiteLock™ 4% catheter lock solution globally. This Canadian-owned and operated company, based in Markham, Ontario, is dedicated to fighting against the threat of serious infections with a novel, non-antibiotic antimicrobial solution, in line with global action plans on antimicrobial resistance.

1 According to the World Health Organization (“WHO”), the US has an overall hospital-acquired infection (“HAI”) rate of 4.5% compared to 11.6% in Canada. This data suggests that currently there are about 50,000 CLABSIs in Canada each year with corresponding deaths of 12,500/year (or 34 per day) in Canada. Source: “The burden of healthcare-associated infection world-wide: a summary.”  2011, World Health Organization.

For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact:
Dave Trafford | | 416 618 6966