New novel follows the journey of two men as they devise a practical system designed to bring socioeconomic justice and save the planet

Manuel Januário announces the release of ‘Our Land’

ARLINGTON, Mass., Oct. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Two unlikely friends — a wealthy landowner and an immigrant college student — explore ways to bring economic equity and social justice while saving the planet in this engaging story of Manuel Januário’s “Our Land” (published by Archway Publishing).


Written as a historical fiction, the book features André Castro, a very rich Latin American landowner, and his close friend Mário Garcia, an optimistic visionary immigrant, who share deep conversations about a better world for the disenfranchised member of the society. Although from different backgrounds, they both come to the USA to learn how to overcome economic underdevelopment in their own countries. Unfortunately, they discover that the American economic system perpetuates conditions of poverty for many while others become unreasonably rich, leaving behind a trail of environmental degradation. They both endure many challenges and seriously risk their lives as together they explore practical ways to address economic justice problems.


“My book is an honest reflection of many years of direct experience with social programs designed to eradicate socioeconomic inequalities and to promote social change,” the author describes. “This book highlights current and urgent societal issues of economic injustice even more apparent today during the 2020 pandemic. It also brings forth positive examples of how we can change and replace some of our environmentally unsustainable practices with innovative ways of addressing these issues.”


“Our Land” is a work of fiction touching upon pertinent issues in a creative and dynamic way. With it, Januário hopes to inspire readers to dream better world and feel that together people can each build a piece of it. To purchase a copy, visit


“Our Land”

By Manuel Januário

Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 326 pages | ISBN 781480891258

Softcover | 6 x 9in | 326 pages | ISBN 9781480891241

E-Book | 326 pages | ISBN 9781480891265

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Manuel Januário is an American born in the Azores who earned his master’s degree in adult and continuing education from Washington State University, USA. His vast and rich experience includes being the executive director of the Community Action Council of Spokane County, Washington State, as well as the director of the Employment Development Consortium of five Native American tribal governments. He is a lifelong long advocate for social justice and equity and currently lives in a rural community with his wife. “Our Land” is his first publication.

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