Survivor of Life-Threatening Brain Surgery Shares His Story of Hope, Resilience and Recovery in Inspirational New Memoir

Twenty-five years after undergoing brain surgery that left him with a traumatic brain injury, author Rob Plaskas reflects on the challenges he overcame in his memoir ‘My Fight for Recovery: A Story of Overcoming Life-Threatening Brain Surgery’

SPRINGFIELD, IL., Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- At the age of seventeen, Rob Plaskas’ life changed forever when he woke up in a coma after sustaining a traumatic brain injury while in surgery. In “My Fight for Recovery: A Story of Overcoming Life-Threatening Brain Surgery” by Rob Plaskas, the author documents his journey to recovery through perseverance, faith, strong physical and cognitive therapy and an optimistic outlook on his new life.

Plaskas was living a typical carefree life as a high school teenager in Illinois when he was diagnosed with a benign tumor in the left temporal lobe of his brain and began suffering from epileptic seizures. As the tumor grew, he had no choice but to have brain surgery bringing tremendous fear to Plaskas and his family. During the operation Plaskas suffered a brain hemorrhage, losing a massive amount of blood and was placed in a medically induced coma. When he awoke, he was left with brain damage similar to a major stroke causing right-side paralysis, inability to talk and comprehend speech, significant short-term memory loss, and lifelong dependence on anti-seizure medication. The high school athlete was now looking at a long road of physical, mental and emotional recovery.

Twenty-five years later, Plaskas shares his story of how he beat the odds, reached his recovery goals and has been able to live a productive and happy life despite the disabilities the traumatic brain injury caused him. Plaskas details the emotional and physical toll his life-threatening brain surgery brought him and how he was able to overcome obstacles the brain injury had caused. In the book, he also shares the emotional rollercoaster his family endured during his worrisome diagnoses and life-threatening surgery and how Jesus, family, friends and his therapists played a major role in supporting and encouraging his new reality and recovery.

“I want people to know a severe brain injury survivor can accomplish many recovery goals if they have confidence, determination and hard work,” said Plaskas. “I want to share my story with others to show them that they are not alone and things will get better.”

Throughout the book, Plaskas demonstrates how he was able to push through the hardships by having perseverance and faith and encourages others they can too. Readers will learn that survivors of traumatic brain injuries do not have to diminish themselves or their relationships during their relearning and rehabilitation. Especially during these times of uncertainty, readers will be inspired to hear about how one man was able to beat the odds and live a successful life despite the trauma he endured. To learn more, please visit

“My Fight for Recovery: A Story of Overcoming Life-Threatening Brain Surgery”

By Rob Plaskas

ISBN: 9781532095115 (softcover); 9781532095122 (electronic)

Available at iUniverse, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, eBay and other book retailers

About the author

Rob Plaskas has been a communications analyst for the Illinois General Assembly since 2004 and is a first-time author. He received his master’s degree in Human Services from the University of Illinois at Springfield and his bachelor’s in Communication Studies from Illinois State University. Recently, during his spare time, Plaskas has pursued opportunities to write about and share his life-long story to inspire other people with disabilities and their families. Plaskas’ goal is to become a motivational speaker to provide hope for people facing difficult circumstances. He wants to let those in similar circumstances know they can do anything they want if they put their mind to it. When he is not writing you will find him wandering social events and going to wineries. Plaskas currently lives in Springfield, Illinois with his lovable mixed hound dog Maggie and has a loving family and close friends who support him and his fight for recovery. You can continue to follow Plaskas’ journey by joining his Facebook group and LinkedIn.

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