Over 46 million ballots have been cast in 45 states

Over 45.59% of voters are requesting or receiving absentee ballots

Washington, DC, Oct. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aristotle, the leader in political technology and data, today announces that over 46 million ballots have been cast in 45 states by either early or absentee voters. 

Below are just a few things data is showing at this point:

  • Registered Democrats, where available, have a sizable edge on number of ballots submitted by an almost two-to-one margin. Please note this does not indicate which candidate a person ultimately votes for.
  • Early/absentee voting is significantly up since the 2016 general election and is expected to shatter all totals. When looking at swing states it is even more evident.
  • 92 Million+ Ballots Distributed.
  • Over 45.59 percent of voters are requesting or receiving absentee ballots. 
  • Registered Democrats significantly outpacing Registered Republicans in early/absentee requests by a wide margin.
  • Democrats requesting more than 11 million more ballots than Republicans in states that register by party or are inferred party and do not automatically distribute mail-in ballots. Note: Mail-in ballots do not determine how those will vote but just an indicator on how they may vote. 
  • Eighteen percent of new voters who did not vote in 2016 General Have Already Voted. 

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