Earth Gen Biofuel Inc.’s Salem, Oregon Production Facility Helping Oregon Fire Victims with Permanent and Temporary Housing Alternatives.

Las Vegas, NV, Nov. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Earth Gen-BioFuel Inc. (OTC:EGBB) announces that it has joined local community and business leaders in the effort to assist people who lost their homes due to Oregon area wildfires. The company’s 70,000 square foot manufacturing facility and offices were the site of last weeks meeting of community leaders, business executives and mayors from nearby communities that experienced fire damage. KGW Channel 8 TV Portland was there to report on the event.

Earth Gen’s subsidiary, International Housing Concepts Inc. (“IHC”) specializes in manufacturing homes of less than 1,000 square feet. IHC is building homes that are used in Tiny Home Residential Communities, RV Parks, Campgrounds and as back yard auxiliary living units. IHC also builds 300 to 380 square foot towable Tiny Homes that operate as off grid and on grid vacation homes that can be moved from site to site.

KGW Channel 8 reported that Jordon Truitt, whose family owns IHC’s manufacturing complex was instrumental in assisting IHC in organizing this meeting to evaluate solutions facing the community as a result of the fires. Mr. Truitt teamed up with the United Way of the Mid-Willamette Valley, and International Housing Concepts to try to bring IHC’s tiny homes to people who have lost their homes to the fire. Mr. Truitt said, “This is a way to get them out of hotels, out of tents, out of the fairgrounds and into a shelter that’s built to the same quality and standards as a house, that’s affordable and in some cases portable,”

Mr. Truitt added, “This is an opportunity for us to use the resources we have right here, to [get a] view from 10,000 feet by getting the right people into the room, into the [IHC] warehouse to view the product, to see what the potential is”.

Mr. Truitt said, “he started contemplating the idea through a partnership the Truitt family formed with United Way. We donated 33,000 square feet of warehouse space to the United Way for acceptance and distribution of the critical supplies that were needed by the evacuees. That was the immediate need, but those needs have started to shift. It wasn’t until they received a donation of 800 tents from Amazon that the long-term need became apparent, when each of those tents were distributed just as fast as they came in. What that did was highlight the greater need of what the ongoing problem would be, and that was housing. Truitt added, He hopes that tiny homes could be part of the solution”.

Robert Hayes, President & CEO stated, “IHC is in the right place with the right products to provide a solution to the problem. IHC had already begun planning for the expansion of production including adding extra staff and production space based on demand for our homes that was already well established and growing. The plans that were already in process will allow IHC to take a lead in responding to a business opportunity and also the opportunity and be a key participant in meeting the needs of our Salem area neighbors, Oregonians and people throughout the Northwest who have lost their homes

During the meeting with community leaders, IHC management provided tours of the homes being produced at our facility. IHC is now building two styles of Tiny Homes. One is a permanently placed 400 square foot home designated as a Park Model and also a Towable Home that is also about 400 square feet that is self-contained for off grid situations. The facility is also planning on providing modular housing structures that are less than 1,000 square feet for use as lakeside homes and ADUs for back yard home additions. It was determined that these housing configurations can be a real solution to providing living spaces for those displaced by the fires.

KGW TV 8, Portland Oregon report on International Housing Concepts community leaders meeting.

About the Company

Earth Gen-Biofuel Inc. produces homes and products under the corporate name Quantum Housing Systems Inc. and trade names International Housing Concepts Inc. and MicroHab Inc. Our goal is not just building housing but creating living environments that meet the needs of owners and enhance the concept of comfortable living in a sustainable and manageable space. The Company’s main manufacturing facility is in Salem Oregon. The Company is targeting the domestic housing solutions for broad segments of the market. The company sells its products to Tiny Home Residential Communities, RV Parks, campgrounds and reseller/dealers who provide home owners with back yard auxiliary living spaces. IHC sells dealers its line of 280 to 380 square foot towable Tiny Homes that fill the need of off grid and on grid vacation homes that can be moved from site to site. The Company has developed a US based supply chain to support local and national companies and to assure availability of most of the key components used in our manufacturing process. The goal is to deliver high quality homes that employ technology that works for owners of our homes, and meets the requirements of sustainability for our environment and the locations where our homes form new communities. Please visit the web site for our products

Forward-Looking Statement

This press release may contain “forward-looking” information within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In accordance with the safe harbor provisions of this Act, statements contained herein that look forward in time that include everything other than historical information, involve risks and uncertainties that may affect the Company’s actual results. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and there are a number of important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements made by the Company, including, but not limited to, plans and objectives of management for future operations or products, the market acceptance or future success of our products, and our future financial performance. Further caution is given as the Company is not current with its public disclosures and limited information about the Company’s financial condition or operations is available to investors adding additional risk to potential investors.

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KGW TV 8, Portland Oregon report on International Housing Concepts community leaders meeting.

Investor Relations Contact

Hayden Financial Corp.

Robert Gartzman

Phone 800-991-8190

Company ProfileEarth Gen-BioFuel Inc.