Infragistics Announces Updates to Ignite UI for React and Ignite UI for Web Components

Releases New Enhanced Features for Enterprise-Grade UI Components

Cranbury, NJ, Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Infragistics, the leading UI/UX software solutions company, has announced the release of new updates to its enterprise-grade UI components for the modern web – Ignite UI for React 16.12.4 and Ignite UI for Web Components 1.1.4.

These releases of Ignite UI for Web Components and Ignite UI for React include new features to the Ignite UI Data Grid and one new preview component including:


  • Cell Editing in the data grid - enables the user to edit the data presented to them in a web application.
  • Cell Batch Editing -- allows developers to make multiple edits to various cells in the data grid and commit the changes to the data source all at once.
  • ComboBox Column- allows developers to provide a combo box editor in a data grid that provides a list of values that can be filtered/searched, and a single item selected.
  • Multi-Column Combo Box (Preview) - This new component is unique, in that it’s a combo box that visualizes large amounts of data in a data grid embedded in the dropdown. It supports features such as filtering with auto-suggest, a material-based label, defining columns, controlling column header visibility, sorting, and more.


Ignite UI for React provides a complete library of enterprise-grade, UI components for building data-rich and responsive React web apps. React, developed by Facebook, is one of the most popular web frameworks among developers and is used by global companies such as AirBnB, Uber, Bloomberg, Instagram, and PayPal to run their platforms. 


Ignite UI for Web Components is a complete library of UI components, giving developers the ability to build modern web applications using encapsulation and the concept of reusable components in a dependency-free approach. Web components are web standards-compliant components that are dependency free, pure HTML/JavaScript, and are native HTML elements.


“To support our enterprise customers and their developers, we release new components, features and enhancements to our React and Web Components toolkits the moment they are ready,” explains Brian Lagunas, Senior Product Owner/Developer Relations, Infragistics. “With these releases, the enhancements to our Data Grid components enable developers to provide their users with the features they expect and the best possible user experience.”


About Infragistics

Infragistics provides the world’s largest enterprises with tools and solutions to accelerate application design and development, and foster team collaboration. More than two million developers worldwide use Infragistics’ enterprise-ready UX and UI toolkits to rapidly prototype and build high-performing applications for the cloud, web, mobile and desktop. Infragistics’ Reveal reimagines what business users can achieve with self-service business intelligence visualization, while its newest application, Indigo Design, introduces design-to-code efficiencies during the designer-to-developer handoff. Infragistics clients represent 100% of the S&P 500, including global software providers who rely on Infragistics when reliability and performance are non-negotiable.



Editor’s Note: Brian Lagunas, Senior Product Owner/Developer Relations, Infragistics,

is available to discuss UX/UI tools, coding tips and techniques.



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