360WiSE Will Host The Annual MLK Symposium Presented By MAP, The Methodist Action Program

The Bridge is a Social Justice Digital Network Amplifying The Voice For Social, Economic, and Environmental Change. There Is Hope For Tomorrow.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On January the 18th at 10:00am EST, one of the most important round table discussions about the current affairs of our nation and the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will be streaming live on 360WiSE TV.

The keynote speaker, Rev. Dr C. A. Hunt, Senior Pastor, Epworth Chapel UMC, Baltimore, MD, Adjunct Professor at Wesley Theological Seminary said, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s singular vision was for the realization of the Beloved Community. Realizing King’s vision today beckons us to work to address the quadruple pandemics of COVID-19, racial upheaval, economic despair and political discord that continue to threaten humanity.

We will have the honor of having Sen Darius Brown, Delaware Senator follow up his quote, “The legacy and work of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a reminder that hope is not empirically demonstrated; it's morally chosen,” with live discussion on the thought leadership panel, said Robert Alexander, CEO of 360WiSE MEDiA and President of the South Florida Miami SCLC “Southern Christian Leadership Conference”.

“For those of us that seek progress and liberation, our social justice movement is similar to a military battle. It is ongoing. Once you win the war, you have to secure peace....until freedom.”

The Rev. Joe Archie, who happens to be the Wilmington District Superintendent of Peninsula Delaware Conference, stated, “It is the responsibility of all of us to live out the dream of Dr. King, to be committed to act in practical ways to bring justice to the poor, and to educate and empower people for this important work.”

There has always been a fight in the United States about what truly is the moral compass of our great nation, said Robert Alexander, CEO of 360WiSE MEDiA and President of the South Florida Miami SCLC “Southern Christian Leadership Conference,” at which the honorable Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr is one of the Founders of the Historical Civil and Human Rights Organization. “How do we integrate positive protest and visible steps of action in this new world of biological, digital and clairvoyant racist overtones in 2021 and moving forward, are some of the ideas I would like to explore during the symposium,” said Robert Alexander. 

Bishop Peggy Johnson of the Delaware and Eastern Pennsylvania United Methodist Conference said, “The heart of Christ is love and justice for all. This event points us once again to this truth and calls us to action!”

Rev Provey Powell, Senior Pastor Mt Joy UMC and Board Member Delaware State Board of Education whom will also join us on the panel said, “The prophetic voice of Dr. King endures and reverberates throughout all aspects of our contemporary society. The struggle for Educational equity remains fundamental and essential toward elimination the plague of poverty in our communities.”

ABOUT MAP - The Methodist Action Program
Rev Jennifer Kerby, Executive Director, Methodist Action Program.
Our mission at MAP is to promote positive change through educating, organizing and advocacy.


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