Educator Examines Crumbling U.S. Democracy, Broad Impact of Systemic Inequality in Debut Political Science Book

In ‘The Tyranny of Political Ignorance,’ Dr. Winston Sheekel Marsh shines a light on the long-existing cracks in the country’s democratic armor and examines how Donald J. Trump’s presidency further illuminated these flaws

CORAL SPRINGS, Fla., Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Winston Sheekel Marsh has published his debut political science book, which comprehensively analyzes the weaknesses that exist in the U.S.’s democratic foundation and explores how the nation’s democracy came to be in such a precarious position today. In “The Tyranny of Political Ignorance: Cracks in the United States Democratic Armor,” Dr. Marsh tracks the country’s major stumbles beginning with the Constitution’s legalization of slavery and continuing through to the presidency of Donald J. Trump.

Dr. Marsh’s book highlights current events that have further brought to light the U.S.’s weakening democracy, including the coronavirus pandemic that struck the country early last year, the death of George Floyd, and the ensuing Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020. With the pandemic still raging on, Dr. Marsh exposes Trump’s shortcomings as a leader and shares how these two events of significance revealed Trump’s inability to lead. These historic moments, Dr. Marsh said, illuminated the nation’s social and economic disparities.

“The coronavirus pandemic is an exposer of truth, and the killing of George Floyd is the straw that broke the camel’s back,” Dr. Marsh wrote in the introduction to “The Tyranny of Political Ignorance.” “Future generations may observe these two cataclysmic events as a blessing because they will engender a reexamination of the United States’ political, economic, and social direction and help to bring about a truly equitable society. In a sense the election of the most politically ignorant individual as president may also turn out to be a blessing because nothing has highlighted more efficiently the imbalances that have been perpetuated in this country for centuries.”

Dr. Marsh, whose book is dedicated to those who have used their platforms to advocate for the oppressed, hopes that his analysis will draw attention to the nation’s inequalities that have inhibited the country’s progress toward the goals outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution. In the penultimate chapter of “The Tyranny of Political Ignorance,” the author lays out his vision as an experienced educator and student of history and political science for a better future for the country.

Ultimately, Dr. Marsh’s book advocates for nation-wide reform and evokes the power of “We the people,” encouraging readers to come together to mend cracks in the democratic process and work toward a more equitable America.

“The Tyranny of Political Ignorance: Cracks in the United States Democratic Armor”
By Winston Sheekel Marsh
ISBNs: 978-1-4808-9898-1 (sc); 978-1-4808-9897-4 (hc); 978-1-4808-9899-8 (e)
Available through Archway Publishing, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon

About the author
Dr. Winston Sheekel Marsh grew up as a British colonist in Jamaica before the island negotiated its independence in 1962. Dr. Marsh immigrated to the U.S. in 1993 and is now a resident and citizen. A long-time educator, Dr. Marsh has taught high school-, college-, and university-level students on the topics of government, international relations, comparative politics, education psychology, political processes, and social issues. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of the West Indies and a Master of Science degree in education and a Doctor of Education degree from Nova Southeastern University. He also completed 18 credit hours in Florida Atlantic University’s Master of Political Science degree program. Dr. Marsh is a National Board-Certified teacher, and he has served as an adjunct professor at Broward College, Nova Southeastern University, and Florida International University. Dr. Marsh is married with six children, and he currently resides in Coral Springs, Fla.

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