Two siblings meet a concerned alien culture prompting them to embark on a roadblock-filled mission to save the planet

Peter Tirant-James release her debut book ‘Beyond Andromeda’

MANDURAH, Australia, Feb. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following an alien visitation, a brother and sister duo set off on an adventure to save Earth from pollution while learning to stand up against adversity. Their riveting journey is told in Peter Tirant-James’ new book, “Beyond Andromeda” (published by Balboa Press AU). For more information on the book, please visit


Tirant-James believes that there is a need for good literature to be written without the book being filled with expletives. He also has a passion to offer some hope to readers that there are ways to change the world for the better and they are within reach of us all. These things motivated him to pen his debut book.


“Beyond Andromeda” introduces readers to Melissa and Jordan, two siblings who were able to meet a concerned alien culture from the star system Andromeda and communicate with them telepathically. Soon, their awareness is piqued, especially when they are taken on a journey into space. Jordan realizes that his purpose in life is to challenge the Earth’s ever-increasing problem of pollution and its impact. Whereas Melissa’s purpose is using her gifts to nurture humanity and to prevent its pattern of self-destruction. Together the siblings hope to prevent the waste and build stronger communities in order to save the planet.


The book attempts to demonstrate some practical ways of nurturing family members while growing the gifts of those members. It also looks at ways of changing destructive behavioural patterns encountered in everyday life and begins to look at some of the issues which are currently facing our planet such as pollution and climate change.


Through this book, Tirant-James relays that families and children are the planet’s best resources; how one can contribute to their growth; and that there is still hope for the Earth.


“Beyond Andromeda”

By Peter Tirant-James

Softcover | 6x9 in | 228 pages | ISBN 9781504320139

E-Book | 228 pages | ISBN 9781504320146

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Peter Tirant-James was born in the U.K. during World War II and grew up experiencing rationed books and food scarcity. He migrated to Australia with his mother (who is still alive at 104 years old) and older brother in 1952. He was ordained in ministry within the Methodist Church in 1969. Tirant-James became a high school teacher at one of the most exciting educational ventures in Australia in 1975, taught for six years and returned a year later to become its principal for nearly five years. In his latter years, he still wanted to make a difference and responded to working in the area of marriage and family counselling. He also worked in a position for two days a week up until his retirement in May 2019. For more information about the author, visit

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