Tessa White, Acclaimed Career Expert, Expanding Offerings in Order to Help People Reclaim Job Security and Eliminate Unemployment

SALT LAKE CITY, March 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tessa White, known as The Job Doctor on social media, is an acclaimed career expert, author and speaker who is on a quest to help the unemployed find stability again. She offers a Rent-My-Brain program which has already helped thousands of Americans adopt effective strategies to secure better jobs and meaningful careers.

Starting on March 2, she is expanding her offerings to include an Ultimate Job Seekers bundle which gives someone all the training and tools they need to secure their next job. Included in this bundle is a masterclass on interviewing, an interview prep workbook, a resume review, and a private coaching session to refine a job search strategy and pay negotiation techniques. All of this is offered at an affordable price point to allow people to obtain senior level expertise at a fraction of the cost of a dedicated coach.

Her free advice is found on TikTok (@jobdoctortessa) and career related questions can be asked on her website. She also offers Rent-My-Brain private sessions to help people get jobs, negotiate pay, overcome work conflict, and get careers “unstuck.”

“The world has not been a friendly place over the past 12 months and many people find themselves mired in career uncertainty. The global pandemic has hit people hard, and the resulting unemployment rates and small business fallout has left millions without work,” said Tessa White. “That’s why it is important to offer as much help and guidance as possible, especially to those needing to make difficult career pivots.”

With more than 13M views in 2020 alone across various platforms, and having worked closely with some of the leading companies in the world, Tessa is recognized nationwide as a media expert on people strategy and career navigation. She has been published in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Apple News, Wall Street Journal, INC, and more. Her advice is designed to help people navigate out of a bleak future of unemployment, help people refine their interview, get the job, negotiate solid pay packages, and increase their overall promotability.

Within 72 hours of her first posts, her content had hit over a million views. Within 60 days, she had over 100,000 followers. Her posts on combined social media outlets have garnered over 13 million views in 90 days. This, she says, is proof that her “straight talk on the workforce” is striking a chord with people who are seeking to re-energize their careers.

The Job Doctor is a lifeline that can help people set in place an effective job search strategy during uncertain economic times and ultimately craft successful pivots into new roles or industries for people.

Tessa White is convinced that career navigation is a service that is here to stay. “When the dust settles after all of this, people are going to find that life has changed in a big way. And we are all going to need to have a plan for how our lives are going to unfold in the new business economy that emerges.” Having career direction helps so much with this, and this is something that makes Tessa White essential for career and business needs.

For more information, visit www.doctortessawhite.com

About Tessa White

For more than 20 years she sat at the corporate table, representing the interests of the company as head of human resources. She now bills herself as a “reformed executive,” switching sides to give all that she knows to help the individuals in companies meet with career success. She is on a quest to transform people’s lives, by helping people re-energize their employment experience and become their own greatest advocate in career progression.

Media Contact

Hannah Matthews PR

Company ProfileThe Job DoctorIndustry: Business Support ServicesWebsite: