Reading Plus Selected as Solutions Provider for Erie 1 BOCES

Master Contract Provides Nearly 700 New York School Districts Access to the Online Literacy Tool

WINOOSKI, Vt., March 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reading Plus, an evidence-based online program that uses personalized instruction to improve students’ reading fluency, today announced its selection as a literacy solutions provider for schools served by the Erie 1 Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) in New York state. Building on Reading Plus’s existing partnership with three BOCES, including Erie 1, the new three-year agreement also marks the company’s expansion to more school systems across the state. Through the Western New York Regional Information Center (WNYRIC), all BOCES and Regional Information Centers (RICs) that belong to the New York State Instructional Technology Contract Consortium (NYSITCC) will be able to utilize the cross-state, master contract, allowing schools to select Reading Plus as a supplemental solution for their students and educators. NYSITCC’s BOCES and RIC members comprise nearly all of the 700 school districts in New York state.

Reading Plus improves reading proficiency by 2.5 grade levels in a single school year. The adaptive program develops comprehension, fluency, stamina, vocabulary, and motivation to read in students, including Tiers 1-3 and multilingual learners. Reading Plus attained the highest Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) evidence of effectiveness ranking – level one for “strong evidence” – signifying a statistically significant effect on improving student outcomes. The literacy program is used by more than 1 million students across the country.

“We’re proud to continue our work with Erie 1 BOCES and expand our partnership with additional BOCES in New York to help school districts throughout the state enhance reading education and outcomes,” said Steven Guttentag, CEO of Reading Plus. “There is an increasing need to provide educators with adaptive, easy-to-use edtech tools that support both in-person and remote learning, and Reading Plus enriches the instruction experience for teachers and students alike.”

In the request for proposal process for literacy learning solutions, Erie 1 BOCES emphasized the need for vendors to provide in-depth training and support for members of the WNYRIC and at three consortium locations around the state. Reading Plus is designed for easy implementation for administrators and educators, and the company’s customer success team provides actionable training and professional development resources.

To learn more about the benefits of Reading Plus, visit

Reading Plus is an evidence-based, online program that provides personalized instruction and intervention for students, improving reading proficiency by 2.5 years in just 60 hours of personalized instruction. Reading Plus develops fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary, while also measuring student motivation. It supports students with diverse needs, including multilingual learners, students who qualify for special education services, RTI/MTSS Tiers 1–3, and advanced readers. Reading Plus provides educators with an easy-to-use management and reporting system, extensive resources to guide differentiated instruction, professional development, and highly rated customer support. The Reading Plus program is used in more than 7,800 schools, helping over 1 million students become confident, lifelong readers. For more information, visit


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Company ProfileReading Plus Industry: Software & Computer Services