Westminster, MD, Aug. 31, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MidAtlantic Farm Credit recently announced their first-ever Farmers on the Rise award program, opening September 1, awarding five $10,000 prizes to young, beginning, and/or small farmers in their territory.
“This program was created to honor five current or prospective farm owner-operators looking to start or expand their farm business,” says Tom Truitt, CEO of MidAtlantic Farm Credit. “Those who are selected to receive one of these awards will be recognized based on their efforts in agriculture, financial character, leadership, community wellbeing, and environmental stewardship.”
The contest is open to applicants that identify with at least one of the following categories:
- 18 to 40 years of age,
- minority operator,
- veteran operator,
- operate a small farm with annual gross ag income less than $250,000,
- or a beginning farmer with less than 10 years of farming experience.
This program is open to the public on September 1. You do not need to be a Farm Credit customer to apply, but must reside in MidAtlantic Farm Credit’s footprint. The deadline to submit an entry is November 1, 2021. For more eligibility requirements and to apply, visit mafc.com/rise.
About MidAtlantic Farm Credit
MidAtlantic Farm Credit is an agricultural lending cooperative owned by its member‐borrowers. It provides farm loans for land, equipment, livestock and production; crop insurance; and rural home mortgages. The co-op has over 12,400 members and over $2.9 billion in loans outstanding. MidAtlantic has branches serving Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. It is part of the national Farm Credit System, a network of financial cooperatives established in 1916 to provide a dependable source of credit to farmers and rural America.