The extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Kauno energija (code of enterprise 235014830, registered office at Raudondvario rd. 84, Kaunas) has been held on September 16, 2021. Three shareholders owning 42 088 631 ordinary registered shares of the Company that amounts to 98.33 % of all votes, took part in it. The following resolutions were made at the General Meeting of Shareholders:
1. To elect the audit company UAB ROSK Consulting for the audit of the consolidated financial statements of AB Kauno Energija and its subsidiaries for the years 2021 and 2022, for the audit of costs attributed to the regulated activities of AB Kauno Energija and its subsidiary UAB Petrašiūnų katilinė, covered by the income from regulated activities, and for the audit of financial statements of subsidiaries UAB GO Energy LT and UAB Petrašiūnų katilinė.
2. To determine that the price of the service of the audit of consolidated financial statements of AB Kauno Energija and its subsidiaries for the years 2021 and 2022 is EUR 22,990.00 plus VAT for the performance of 1 (one) year (12 months audited period) audit, and EUR 45,980.00 plus VAT for the performance of 2-years (2021 and 2022) audit. Payment term is 30 calendar days after signing of deed of conveyance of the service and submission of VAT invoices.
3. To determine that the price of the service of the audit of the costs attributed to the regulated activity of AB Kauno Energija and its subsidiary UAB Petrašiūnų katilinė in 2021 and 2022, covered by the income from the regulated activity, is EUR 7,320.50 plus VAT for the performance of 1 (one) year (12 months audited period) audit, and EUR 14,641.00 plus VAT for the performance of the audit of 2 years (2021 and 2022). Payment term is 30 calendar days after signing of deed of conveyance of the service and submission of VAT invoices.
4. To determine that the price of the audit of the financial statements of subsidiaries of AB Kauno Energija – UAB GO Energy LT and UAB Petrašiūnų katilinė for the years 2021 and 2022 is EUR 9,607.40 plus VAT for 1 (one) year (12 months audited period), and EUR 19,214.80 plus VAT for 2 years (2021 and 2022). Payment term is 30 calendar days after signing of deed of conveyance of the service and submission of VAT invoices.
The economist of the Economic department of AB "Kauno energija" Agnė Šermukšnienė