QUEBEC CITY, Sept. 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canadian company GRB Technologies today unveiled the results of a study of the LIBU germicidal elevator button conducted by the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center.
This study evaluated the effectiveness of LIBU’s Ultraviolet-C technology in disinfecting elevator buttons contaminated with the H1N1 influenza virus responsible for the 2009 pandemic.
“We have developed a technique to assess the effectiveness of UV-C light for decontaminating elevator buttons infected with seasonal influenza virus. This work provides solid scientific data confirming UV radiation’s efficacy in deactivating the flu virus and preventing people from catching the flu,” said Dr Mariana Baz, Researcher at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center and Associate Director of the Containment Level 3 lab, which oversaw the study.
A total of six independent tests were performed by different operators over several days. Each button was inoculated with high concentrations of the pandemic H1N1 influenza virus. No detectable trace of virus remained in any of the six experiments, demonstrating a viral load reduction of at least 4.2 orders of magnitude (15,000 times).
“The buttons were so effective we repeated the test several times to confirm results, with the same levels of efficacy consistently demonstrated,” continued Dr. Baz, “Our work presents solid scientific evidence that this technology prevents flu infections,” she added.
“These results are very encouraging in demonstrating how well this technology deactivates SARS-CoV-2—responsible for COVID-19. Work will begin at the Containment Level 3 (CL3) laboratory of the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center in coming weeks,” said GRB
Technologies president Raymond Boisvert.
The LIBU germicidal button was entirely developed in Quebec by GRB Technologies, which develops and markets specialized and conventional products equipped with effective disinfection devices to limit the transmission and spread of microbes responsible for severe contagious diseases, mainly in the healthcare sector.
About LIBU
The LIBU self-disinfecting elevator button neutralizes bacteria and viruses using UVC light generated inside the assembly in order to always present a germ-free touching surface to its users. The button is composed of a body, UVC light sources, mechanical components to operate the scanning of the surface and electronics to control its operation.
This modular button can be easily installed in elevator panels. The self-disinfecting LIBU elevator button allows to "retrofit" existing control panels as well as being adapted to new control panels. The button offers a standard and familiar user interface and features a unique and completely automated self-disinfecting function. The LIBU requires no consumables and can be maintained with standard cleaning procedures.
About CHU de Québec-Université Laval and Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-Université Laval
Affiliated to the CHU de Québec and Université Laval, the Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-Université Laval gathers 669 researchers, 1509 employees, as well as 1088 students ( With nearly $113 M in research funding, it is the largest French-language health research center in North America and ranks ninth in Canada according to Canada’s Top 40 Research Hospitals 2020. It has also been rated “Exceptional “by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) following its most recent evaluation, in 2018.
Raymond Boisvert, President, GRB Technologies
Mariana Baz, Ph.D., Researcher,
CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center
Adjunct professor, Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval
Associate Director of the Containment Level 3 Lab
Media relations
My-Le Nguyen
Fernandez relations publiques
M. 438 830-5452
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