RED DEER, Alberta, Nov. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The family of Chloe Kaniusis, who was killed in an impaired driving crash in 2014, joins MADD Canada, Red Deer Mayor Ken Johnston, RCMP and emergency responders today in Red Deer, Alberta to launch MADD Canada’s national Project Red Ribbon campaign to promote sober driving during the holiday season.
Chloe and her mother, Brenda, were returning home from a Christmas shopping trip in Red Deer on November 21, 2014 when an impaired driver hit their vehicle. Chloe died instantly. Brenda was pinned inside the wreckage for three hours, her beloved daughter just out of her reach. A mother of two young sons, a wife, a daughter, a sister – Chloe was just 30 years old when she was taken so horribly and so tragically from her heartbroken family.
With the holiday season being one of the busiest times on most social calendars, the risk for impaired driving is high. Project Red Ribbon reminds Canadians about the importance of always driving sober, or planning ahead for a sober ride home if alcohol, cannabis or other drugs are being consumed.
The campaign runs from November 1, 2021 to January 3, 2022, with MADD Canada volunteers in communities across Canada distributing thousands of red ribbons and red ribbon car decals to the public to use as a symbol of their commitment to always drive sober. The ribbons also serve as a powerful tribute to the hundreds of Canadians killed and thousands injured in crashes involving alcohol and/or drugs each year.
“The devastating deaths and injuries caused by impaired driving are so senseless and completely preventable,” said MADD Canada National President Jaymie-Lyne Hancock. “Our Project Red Ribbon campaign reminds people about the terrible impact of impaired driving, and engages them in the effort prevent it. No one should ever have to face the grief and heartbreak that Chloe’s family endures.”
Today’s launch event, being held at RCMP Red Deer North Detachment, includes Chloe’s parents, Brenda and Mel Brown, her husband Larry, her two sons Jaxon and Kessler, and other members of her family. They are being joined by: Mayor Johnston; Platoon Chief Kevin Bettesworth, Red Deer Emergency Services; Stephanie Theede, Vice-President of Human Resources, KAG Canada; and Sgt. Michael Zufferli, Red Deer RCMP Traffic Services.
“The Red Deer RCMP’s hope is that through partnership, education and enforcement, we can prevent impaired individuals from operating a motor vehicle,” said Sgt. Michael Zufferli of the Red Deer RCMP. “MADD Canada helps educate the public on the long lasting impact impaired driving has beyond the legal repercussions the individual faces. MADD Canada’s support of victims and survivors gives a voice to those affected by impaired driving, and they have helped strengthen road safety by supporting legislation that creates meaningful consequences for impaired drivers.”
Every hour, on average, 10 impaired driving federal charges and provincial short-term licence suspensions are laid in Canada, according to MADD Canada’s latest statistics.
The 2021 Project Red Ribbon campaign is sponsored by: Irving Oil, KAG Canada, Uber, BMO Financial Group and Economical Insurance. For a full list of this year’s sponsors and coin box partners, visit .
“It is only with the support of our generous sponsors that we can bring this important awareness effort to communities across the country,” said Ms. Hancock. “We are so grateful for their contributions, and are tremendously proud to partner with them in this effort to save lives and prevent injuries on our roads this holiday season.”
MADD Canada’s red ribbons and car decals are available through MADD Canada Chapters and Community Leaders across the country, through the MADD Canada website at, or by emailing Anyone who wishes to support Project Red Ribbon with a donation can do so online through the website, by calling 1-800-665-6233 or by texting “RIBBON” to 45678 (a one-time $10 donation is added to the donor’s cell phone bill and payable to his or her service provider.)