BRENTWOOD, Tenn., Nov. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- No battle is fought alone. That’s the message behind American Addiction Centers’ latest social campaign in honor of Veterans Day. Sadly, far too many veterans struggling with addiction fight their battle in isolation. Due to the stigma associated with the disease, many fear that asking for help could be perceived as a sign of weakness. The Veterans for Treatment campaign hopes to dispel that myth by featuring the stories of veterans who made the brave decision to seek treatment. U.S. Air Force Veteran Carmelo Piperato is one of them.
“It was difficult to speak to someone about what I was experiencing,” said Piperato. “I had in my mind that discussing emotional and mental problems were just not what you do in the military, so I didn’t. It took a long time, but after a brief period of sobriety, I came to the difficult realization that I was not in control of my alcoholism and addiction.”
To read more of Piperato’s story or learn more about the campaign, visit
“We must change the narrative that keeps veterans from seeking help especially at a time when overdose deaths have reached an all-time high,” said Melanie Haber, AAC’s Senior VP of Brand and Communications. “Our nation’s heroes are human, too. They need to know they are not alone in this fight and that asking for help is a courageous decision. That’s the main focus of our social media campaign and we hope to reach thousands with this message.”
Veterans and other military personnel already have inherent stressors such as combat deployment, combat exposure and post-deployment/reintegration challenges that many struggle to manage. The anxiety, unemployment and exacerbated mental health conditions brought on by the global pandemic have only made matters worse. As a result, many more veterans are turning to alcohol and/or substances to cope. Over time, this kind of regular abuse can lead to the development of a substance use disorder, which not only compounds the problem of the trauma they’ve experienced, but also necessitates specific and appropriate treatment for the addiction as well.
American Addiction Centers partners with VA medical centers nationwide as a community care provider to ensure more veterans have access to treatment. The addiction treatment provider also offers a program for veterans called Salute to Recovery. The specialized treatment track is designed to meet their unique challenges with evidence-based therapeutic modalities focused on treating the addiction and the most common mental health diagnoses among veterans, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, and loss and grief. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than one in ten veterans have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder and those individuals are three to four times more likely to receive a diagnosis of PTSD or depression.
About American Addiction Centers
American Addiction Centers is a leading provider of inpatient and outpatient substance abuse treatment services. We treat clients who are struggling with drug addiction, alcohol addiction and co-occurring mental/behavioral health issues. We currently operate substance abuse treatment facilities located throughout the United States. These facilities are focused on delivering effective clinical care and treatment solutions. For more information, please find us at or call 866-244-1070 for help. We also offer several online resources for the public. Visit to learn more.
Contact info:
Joy Sutton
AAC Director of Corporate Communications