ATLRx Carries THC-V (Tetrahydrocannabivarin), a Rare Cannabinoid that Suppresses Appetite

ATLANTA, Nov. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The locally owned cannabis dispensary, ATLRx, now carries the rare cannabinoid known as Tetrahydrocannabivarin or THC-V. The hemp-derived minor cannabinoid has unique therapeutic effects that zero in on production and appetite suppression. THC-V has been called “diet weed,” “weederall,” “super-sativa” and “the sportscar of cannabinoids.”

THC-V came into the spotlight after preliminary research suggested that it assists with regulation of blood sugar, enhancing concentration, reducing anxiety, treating migraines, stimulating bone growth, steadying motor control issues such as tremors, and most notably, appetite suppression. The noticeable trait can be used to maintain weight, or even lose weight in a healthy manner.

ATLRx provides two separate options for THC-V, their highly regarded Vape cartridge (retail only) and their THC-V gummies. The cannabinoid is invigorating, and caters toward day time use. ATLRx proudly provides an array of cannabinoids along with THCv such as CBD, Delta 8 THC, Delta 10 THC, THC-O, and HHC.

Extraction processes are evolving—leading to more production and new cannabinoids; a triumph for ATLRx. The brand has been ahead of the curve, advocating the health benefits of cannabinoids since their opening in 2018. Despite marijuana being illegal in state of Georgia, the collection of hemp-derived cannabinoids sits in the grey area of the Farm Bill of 2018.

With transparency being of the essence, ATLRx has taken the initiative to abide legal states such as Colorado and Oregon’s federal regulations and protocols. Their practices and their products quality have allowed them to stand out in the unregulated CBD industry. The thorough procedures require an immaculate DEA lab panel test result. No solvents, no pesticides, and no heavy metals, just a safe and pristine product. Included on the package, ATLRx places a QR Code that takes you directly to that exact batches results.

Visit for further information about their products, wholesale, and franchise opportunities.

Contact: Chase Slappey

Company ProfileATLRxIndustry: Consumer GoodsWebsite: