Dublin, Dec. 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Global Automotive Cybersecurity Growth Opportunities" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
This study of the global automotive cybersecurity landscape includes an in-depth analysis of key cybersecurity market and technology trends in the connected vehicles space across passenger and commercial vehicle segments. It also explores different types of cybersecurity solutions and strategies value chain partners offer for mitigating threats during a vehicle's life cycle.
Major OEMs like Volkswagen, General Motors, and Tesla are developing in-house capabilities and expanding partnerships with IT service vendors in lieu of operating and securing cybersecurity management systems (CSMS). Security companies, in contrast, partner with technology players like Microsoft and AWS to offer connected services to OEMs.
Tier I suppliers will move up the value chain to become solution providers for CSMS, vehicle security operations centers (VSOCs), and other services by partnering with enterprise IT/security companies, primary to help OEMs adhere to WP.29 regulations during development and threat management. Strategic partnerships for deploying effective cybersecurity solutions will be the priority of the entire ecosystem.
The automotive industry is shifting towards intelligent networking systems and refined architecture for the development and deployment of advanced connected and autonomous vehicles. With an increasing number of connectivity features, the possibility of cyberattack threatens the safe operation of vehicles.
With the security aspects of connected vehicles addressed at both the regulatory and industry level, automakers will focus on offering more comfort and safety features in their vehicles. The recent WP.29 mandate on cybersecurity will be critical in the type approval of new vehicles from 2022 on.
The report predicts that the total addressable market for the cybersecurity of passenger vehicles will grow at a CAGR of 18.4% between 2020 and 2026, owing largely to the WP.29 regulation and OEMs in major economies competing to gain a competitive advantage.
Vehicles with embedded connectivity will account for about 80% of connected vehicle sales by 2026, and hence OEMs will prioritize securing them first. Overall, the market opportunity for automotive cybersecurity is progressive, with the regulatory landscape and innovation across the automotive value chain propelling growth scenarios and minimizing vehicle security threats.
Key Topics Covered:
1. Strategic Imperatives
Why Is It Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
The Strategic Imperative
The Impact of the Top Three Strategic Imperatives on Automotive Cybersecurity
Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine
2. Growth Opportunity Analysis, Automotive Cybersecurity
Automotive Cybersecurity - The Possible Impacts of Attacks and Why They are Important
Automotive Cybersecurity Key Findings
Automotive Cybersecurity Scope Analysis
Automotive Cybersecurity Segmentation
Key Competitors for Automotive Cybersecurity
Key Growth Metrics for Automotive Cybersecurity
Automotive Cybersecurity Ecosystem
Automotive Cybersecurity Value Chain
Growth Drivers for the Automotive Cybersecurity
Growth Restraints for the Automotive Cybersecurity
3. Automotive Cybersecurity - Total Addressable Market & Market Forecast
Forecast Assumptions
Connected Cars With Embedded Telematics - Sales Forecast
Connected Trucks With Embedded Telematics - Sales Forecast
Average Automaker Spend on Automotive Cybersecurity
Automotive Cybersecurity Addressable Market Size Forecast - Likely Scenario for PVs
Automotive Cybersecurity Market Size Forecast - Bearish Scenario (PVs)
Automotive Cybersecurity Market Size Forecast - Bullish Scenario (PVs)
Analysis of PV Cybersecurity Market Growth Factors in Different Scenarios
Automotive Cybersecurity Addressable Market Size Forecast for Trucks
Automotive Cybersecurity TAM Size Forecast by Vehicle Type
4. Automotive Cybersecurity Overview - Market Trends & Partnerships
Automotive Cybersecurity Highlights - 2020
Cyberattack Trends in Automotive History
Cyber-risk Assessment of Vehicle SW and Systems
Different Types of Cybersecurity Solutions in Vehicles
Cybersecurity Threats and Required Solutions
OEMs' Cybersecurity Challenges
Significant Strategic Initiatives by OEMs Prior to WP.29
Overview of OEM Cybersecurity Partnerships and Strategies
Automotive Suppliers - Supply Chain Cybersecurity Challenges
Automotive Suppliers as Future Cybersecurity Partners for OEMs
Industry's Increasing Focus on Vehicle Cloud Security
5. Automotive Cybersecurity - Connected Cars vs. Connected Trucks
Cybersecurity as Critical Layer of Automotive IoT Platform
Connected Cars Getting Redefined
Connected Cars with Embedded Telematics - Sales Forecast
Cyberattack Scenarios in Connected Cars
Key 2020 Automotive Cyberincidents - Connected Cars
Cybersecurity in Connected Cars
Key Trends of Connected Trucks Market
Connected Trucks with Embedded Telematics - Sales Forecast
Cyberattack Scenarios in Connected Trucks
Major Cybersecurity Incidents - Trucks
Cybersecurity in Connected Trucks
PVs vs. LCVs and M/HCVs - Cybersecurity Analysis
Autonomous Driving Services of the Future
Cyberattacks Scenarios in Future AVs
Cybersecurity in AVs
6. Key Regulations & Technology Trends in Automotive Cybersecurity
New Versions of E/E Architecture in Vehicles
Evolution of Cybersecurity Features and the Future Roadmap
Key Regulations and Standards to Impact Vehicle Safety and Security
WP.29 Regulation - Key Highlights
WP.29 Key Requirements & Mandates
ISO/SAE 21434 - Security by Design Approach
Extensive TARA for Vehicle Type Approvals
Cybersecurity Audit Services for Regulatory Compliance
How Cybersecurity Partners Help OEMs with WP.29 and ISO 21434
Cybellum Digital TwinsT Platform for Threat Assessment and Mitigation
Upstream Security Cloud-based Security Framework
Upstream Security AutoThreat Intelligence Module
Argus Cybersecurity (WP.29 Compliance Services)
SafeRide - AI-based Vehicle Health Management (VHM) Platform
Harman Cybersecurity and WP.29 Compliance Services
Bosch Cybersecurity
7. Automotive Cybersecurity - Business Model, Pricing Model, & Competitive Analysis
Business and Partnership Model - Automotive Cybersecurity
Key Funding and Focus Areas in Automotive Cybersecurity
Business-to-Business (B2B) Vehicle Cybersecurity Pricing Model
Automotive Cybersecurity Companies - Comparative Analysis
Semiconductor and Chip Manufacturers - Comparative Analysis
Automotive Tier I Suppliers - Comparative Analysis
Enterprise IT Security Companies - Comparative Analysis
Automakers' Selection Criteria - Choosing a Security Solution
8. Conclusions and Future Outlook
Automakers' Shift in Expectations from Cybersecurity Partners
SIs for Success and Growth - Automotive Cybersecurity
Conclusions and Future Outlook
9. Growth Opportunity Universe
Growth Opportunity 1 - Regulations Will Continue to Drive Automotive Cybersecurity Growth
Growth Opportunity 2 - Advanced V2X Safety Use Cases in Vehicles Will Increase Demand for Cybersecurity
Growth Opportunity 3 - Managed Security Services Will See Demand in the Automotive Industry
10. Next Steps
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/quxrdl