Boca Raton, Jan. 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- There is a now a simpler, more transparent, and trusted way to find the perfect pet to add to any family—with direct access to breeders, all in one, streamlined location. Fetchem Puppies is proud to provide individuals and families with a complete and comprehensive source for finding the perfect puppy—and to give breeders a safe and secure place to conduct business.
Fetchem Puppies was created out of love and necessity. It gives breeders a place to advertise, and a supportive venue with reasonable advertising rates to help people find their next furry family member. Fetchem Puppies gives breeders top priority, with access to information and expert customer support, any day of the week.
For customers beginning the search for their next puppy, Fetchem Puppies provides extensive information, to help beginners and expert buyers navigate the process. Customers can find details regarding Fetchem Puppies French Bulldogs, including estimated size, compatibility with other animals and children, and energy levels. Perspective buyers can even find out whether a certain breed, such as Fetchem Puppies Goldendoodles are good animals for apartment living.
At Fetchem Puppies, buyers and sellers have full access to services, right on the website. Buyers can create free accounts and receive detailed puppy listings and breeder information. Every buyer who creates an account with Fetchem Puppies also receives a free monthly subscription to every blog post. And when sellers create a free account, they can begin sharing right away by featuring up to eight photos and one video for each puppy they list. In addition to gaining full access to each blog post at Fetchem Puppies, sellers also have access to comprehensive, professional support through the breeder support phone line.
At Fetchem Puppies, visitors will discover everything they need to complete a safe and secure transaction, placing buyers and breeders in direct contact, so no information is every delivered incorrectly—and every customer walks away completely satisfied. At Fetchem Puppies, the dedicated staff takes pride in their commitment to following up on any inquiry or concern raised—and has established a zero-tolerance policy for substandard breeding practices—ensuring every transaction is safe, trusted, and transparent, from start to finish.
And for those who are just beginning the process of searching for a new companion, Fetchem Puppies offers an online blog and monthly newsletter, with prudent and crucial information regarding caring for that new family member from day one.
About Fetchem Puppies
Fetchem Puppies puts buyers and breeders in the driver’s seat—providing a one-stop, comprehensive database, and support forum. At Fetchem Puppies breeders to share details regarding their puppies and buyers gain complete access to breeder information, eliminating the middleman from the process. And unlike most similar sites, Fetchem Puppies is 100% for registered buyers. Fetchem Puppies believes buyers and breeders should be able to speak openly and honestly, without fear of being hit with extra fees or questionable sales tactics. And Fetchem Puppies steadfastly stands by its commitment to a zero-tolerance policy regarding puppy mills or any substandard, malicious breeding practices. For more information please visit