BOULDER, Colo., Feb. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Institute for Cultural Evolution, a nonprofit think tank working to overcome America’s hyper-polarized political condition, is applying a leading-edge business strategy to facilitate progress on a series of stuck political issues. The Institute’s political platform includes policy proposals on homelessness, climate change, education, immigration, and healthcare, with more issues on the way. The organization’s unique “win-win-win” approach to crafting politically potent policy recommendations employs “stakeholder theory” to integrate values from across the political spectrum.
“While it may seem impossible in our current political climate to reconcile opposing interests, the bedrock values that underlie America’s competing worldviews can be effectively integrated and harmonized,” said Steve McIntosh, President at the Institute. “Progressives, traditionalists, and mainstream modernists are each important stakeholders in our democracy. By working to give a win to each set of values, we’re increasing the size of the political pie.”
The Institute’s position on education policy, for example, provides a victory for each major political faction. In the Institute’s proposal, progressives win because inequitable school funding would be ameliorated, and all children would have access to free, high-quality public schools, regardless of their neighborhood. Traditionalists win through public funding of education options compatible with their family’s values. Finally, mainstream modernists win because academic standards would be measured and maintained, and student performance would increase.
Similarly, under the Institute’s proposal for immigration policy, progressives win because undocumented immigrants would receive legal guest resident status and a clear path to eventual citizenship. Traditionalists win due to increased border security and greater protections for American workers. Finally, modernists win through a “high wall, big gate” approach, which favors merit-based admission and would increase the economic benefits of immigration overall.
In addition to the five completed issue proposals listed above, the Institute is also working on “win-win-win” recommendations on other contentious issues such as racial inequality, religious freedom, campaign finance reform, income inequality, big tech monopolies, and the war on drugs.
McIntosh added, “Rather than proclaiming some unreachable ideal, each proposal strives to be politically realistic by focusing on what is possible within America’s current legislative climate.”
According to the Institute for Cultural Evolution’s theory of change, political evolution occurs when people expand the scope of what they can value. By honoring the full spectrum of American values, the Institute is not only providing solutions to individual issues, it is showing how America can grow beyond its debilitating culture war.
The Institute’s policy proposals can be viewed on their online political magazine, “The Post-Progressive Post” at
To learn more about the Institute for Cultural Evolution nonprofit, please visit
About Institute for Cultural Evolution
The Institute for Cultural Evolution is a nonprofit 501c3 think tank based in Boulder, Colorado. The Institute’s mission is to advance a new developmental political perspective, which can help solve America’s hyper-partisan polarization. To learn more, please visit:
Media contact:
Amanda Lee
ARL Strategic Communications