Advisors Mortgage Group Donates to NEADS World Class Service Dogs

OCEAN TOWNSHIP, N.J., Feb. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via InvestorWire -- Advisors Mortgage Group (“Advisors” or the “Company”), based in Ocean Township, New Jersey, announces that through the Company’s P.E.T. Program (Pups Empowering Troops) and its December 2020 donation to NEADS World Class Service Dogs, the NEADS organization has trained and matched 10 service dogs for veterans teams. NEADS helps the nation’s veterans who may suffer from PTSD or other combat-related injuries by matching them with service dogs to help with emotional and physical support.

NEADS ("NEADS Inc," formerly known as National Education for Assistance Dog Services and Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was established in 1976 and has trained over 1,800 Service Dog teams since its founding. NEADS is accredited by Assistance Dogs International, the internationally recognized governing body that establishes industry standards and practices.

One deserving veteran, who was matched with a service dog for hearing, explains how his dog has helped him.

“Lincoln exceeds my expectations for his ability to alert me to sounds. I know when the phone rings, when someone is at the door, when a car overtakes us while walking, and when a car stops in front of my house. While I haven’t had a real-life fire alarm, I sleep soundly knowing Lincoln will wake me if needed,” he said. “Twice a week I golf and Lincoln comes along. So far, he hasn’t given me any advice to improve my game, but I know the day is coming. To say I am a different person because of Lincoln is an understatement.”

“We are honored to be able to help these veterans who have so unselfishly fought for our nation. They deserve to live a quality life and these dogs offer them so much physical and emotional support. NEADS does an amazing job and Advisors is proud to be a part of their ongoing efforts,” states Sean Clark, vice president of Advisors.

In line with the Advisors’ mantra of “Family. Customers. Community,” the Company has been a supporter of NEADS along with several other nonprofit organizations for many years. The Company is in the process of contributing its 2021 donation and sponsoring more pups to be matched with another group of veterans.

To learn more about NEADS World Class Service Dogs and how you can donate visit their website at:

About Advisors Mortgage Group

With big dreams and even bigger determination, Advisors Mortgage Group, LLC was founded in October 1999 by a single loan officer in a 400-square-foot office in Shrewsbury, New Jersey. In the years since its formation, Advisors has grown to serve not only the greater New Jersey area but also a vast portion of the United States. With branch offices up and down the East Coast and its corporate office in Ocean Township, New Jersey, Advisors Mortgage has established itself as a pillar of excellence in the mortgage industry. Our immense experience is our greatest asset and is the foundation of the success of the Company and every Advisors branch and loan officer.

In 2005, Advisors Mortgage Group was designated by the Federal Housing Authority as a Full Eagle FHA Underwriter. As a Full Eagle, Advisors has been able to expand its loan volume by approving loans, which a majority of the competition could not dream of. We have built a platform for a seamless and stress-free mortgage process for all of our customers, and we have that same mission throughout all of our offices. We understand that success cannot be attained without teamwork and communication, two of our most important strengths.

If you are looking to finance a home or refinance your existing mortgage, please reach out to Sean Clark at 1-855-LOANS-USA or visit their website at

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Service Dog for Hearing, Lincoln
Company ProfileAdvisors Mortgage Group Industry: Mortgage Finance