Zogby Strategies Finds that American Parents Agree to End COVID Mandates

Large Consensus Across the Political Spectrum Favors Individual Choice Over Government Mandates

Washington, DC, March 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A new nationwide poll of 1,003 parents with children under 12 conducted by Zogby Strategies March 3 – 4, commissioned by Children’s Health Defense (CHD), reveals more than 6 in 10 parents (62%) agree that President Biden should follow the UK and drop all mandates related to COVID – vs. 26% who disagree.  This comes after the Senate recently passed a bill calling an end to the COVID-19 national emergency – which Biden threatens to veto should it also pass in the House.

The poll found almost 8 in 10 (78%) self-identified progressives as well as 77% of “very conservative,” 56% of liberals and moderates, and 74% of conservatives agree that it’s time to end all mandates.

Respondents were also asked whether they side with government mandates or the popular sentiment “my body, my choice,” regarding taking the COVID-19 vaccine.  Overall, 65% of parents identify with “my body, my choice,” leaving 25% who side with government mandates.  Again, majorities were found across the political spectrum in favor of personal choice over mandates.

Drilling down, another question probed parents about the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (Congressional legislation that provides vaccine manufacturers liability protection against being sued). Respondents were asked whether they trust Congress’s ruling to offer vaccine manufacturers legal protection or if Congress should offer no such protection.

Overall, 53% believe Congress should not offer such protection to vaccine producers. Almost one-third (31%) trust Congress’s move to grant vaccine manufacturers liability protection. 

Liberals and moderates report pluralities (49%) believing no law should ever protect vaccine manufacturers against being sued. This sentiment is even higher among conservatives and those very conservative.  On the flip side, most progressive parents (59%) trust Congress for granting vaccine makers liability protection.

Another question asked whether it should be up to the parents or school districts regarding children wearing masks at school. In a decisive response, 67% of participants say it’s up to the parents - 26% say the school districts.

The poll also found parents split over Dr. Anthony Fauci’s legacy:

  • 34% believe he will be remembered for advancing public health; 36% believe he’ll be remembered for putting personal gain over public health, and 30% are not sure.
  • Slightly more, 31%, believe he is guilty of funding gain of function research that led to the outbreak of SARS COV2 vs. 29% who believe he is innocent.
  • 39% say Fauci should resign; 32% say he should remain in charge of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

 “After over two years of intense divide over politics and public health, Americans are becoming more aligned and consensus has emerged in favor of individual choice over government mandates,” said CHD president and general counsel Mary Holland.

 The overall margin of sampling error is +/- 3.2 percentage points.  Sub groups have higher error margins.  For question wording and full results, click here.


 Children's Health Defense is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Its mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards to prevent future harm. For more information, visit ChildrensHealthDefense.org.



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