Candidates for election to the Board of Directors at the upcoming Annual General Meeting

Company announcement

March 17, 2022
Announcement No. 6/2022

Supplement to notice to convene Annual General Meeting

Further to the notice to convene the Annual General Meeting of Nilfisk Holding A/S announced on March 3, the Board of Directors is pleased to announce that current board member, Jutta af Rosenborg, has agreed to make herself available for re-election. On this basis, the Board of Directors proposes re-election for a one-year term of Jutta af Rosenborg under item 8 of the agenda.

The form needed to vote by proxy or by post has been updated to reflect this and shareholders are advised to use the updated form.

Attached to this announcement is an updated overview of all candidates up for election at the upcoming Annual General Meeting to be held on March 25, 2022.

Contact person

VP, Elisabeth Klintholm, +45 2555 6337





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