Tempe, Ariz., March 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IPRO, the market leader in predictive eDiscovery and Information Governance software solutions for law firms, corporations, government agencies, and service providers, today announced the sponsorship joint of a book with InfoGov.net, a leading provider of resources and education for governance challenges. The book and ongoing collaboration with InfoGov.net is an extension of IPRO’s thought leadership around the convergence of Information Governance and eDiscovery that is proving essential in the legal industry.
Advancing from eDiscovery to Prediscovery, available on Amazon, is the first in a series of books IPRO and InfoGov.net plan to release. The titles will introduce new ways of thinking to help legal leaders solve the challenges faced by their organizations in the era of muti-petabyte, multi-location and multi-format information sources.
“This book is a compilation of the leading thoughts in the Information Governance space designed to give Chief Legal Officers a new path forward. While designed for CLOs, it’s also proven useful for legal ops professionals, records managers, and other information professionals who may be familiar with many of these concepts, but less knowledgeable about how to implement them by advancing new processes across their organization,” Inglis said. “The folks that embrace these ideas are going to be the leaders of the next wave of the eDiscovery profession.”
Advancing from eDiscovery to Presdiscovery is the third book authored by Inglis founder of InfoGov.net, and formerly the Executive Director, Content & Programming at ARMA International. It is the first book to that introduces the Information Governance discipline to a new profession, offering the view that Information Governance should be an integral part of all organizations’ Risk Management strategy, helping to radically improve how organizations control their informational assets.
With a forward from IPRO’s CEO Dean Brown, the book covers:
- The current state of Information Governance
- The potential for technology to perform various stages within eDiscovery
- Identification of further areas of efficiency that can be gained by aligning the IG and eDiscovery
- Charts and graphics depicting Information Governance processes
“With a massive explosion of data that began well before the pandemic, concerns around global privacy and compliance, and the ever-present threat of breaches, the convergence of IG and eDiscovery is not only timely but essential,” Brown said. “We are proud to sponsor this book's authorship and help unleash these concepts for our clients and partners worldwide.”
About IPRO
IPRO is reinventing the way organizations interact with their data. By transforming the EDRM and thinking “upstream”, we bring insight far earlier in the eDiscovery process, enabling teams inside and outside your organization to collaborate transparently at any stage, before data is even collected. By thinking about and interacting with your data differently, you’ll eliminate waste and reduce risk. We combine best-in-class governance and eDiscovery software with predictive analytics to give corporations, government agencies, law firms, and legal partners the most open and effective solution to data challenges. We bring you this power with an obsession on time-to-value and your success.
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About InfoGov.net
InfoGov.net is where information goes to work. An advocacy organization that is defining new regulatory standards for, providing long-form quality education to, and lobbying services on behalf of the information governance and information strategy community. Developing the next generation of information leaders who cross-collaboratively focus on solving information challenges across the enterprise.
Follow InfoGov.net on Social:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14055753/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/infogovdotnet