Merced, California, April 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- To celebrate Easter, the Sisters have today begun a store-wide sale that extends through Easter Monday and gives buyers a chance to stock up on their CBD pain relief and mood-stabilizing mushroom coffee products at a significant discount. As well, the Sisters will be holding their first ever auction of houses from their craft yurt, and that 'live' auction will be held on instagram on Good Friday, at 3 p.m. pacific time.
Mettieville is a miniature Sisterhood that has grown up in the craft yurt on the Sisters' farm in Merced. The Metties received their name as a shortened version of “Metaphor Dolls”. They are a sad metaphor for throw away people, a shame of our society. But they are also a metaphor for hope and renewal and fresh starts and happy endings. When the women of world war II went to the factories to take the jobs of the men at war, they were called ‘Betties’. That was a catalytic time in the history of women and a time when a great step towards independence was made. The Metties are inspired by the Betties and all women who have to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and carry on, oftentimes under ungodly conditions.
The instagram live that happens on Good Friday will be an interactive session with the Sisters from the craft yurt, where the Sisters will discuss the development and symbolism of Mettieville, while taking questions from the public about their lives.
All the houses crafted by the sisters have five things in common. Firstly, they are all made from secondhand items; all the dolls were rescued from flea markets. Secondly, there is no pink. The sisters paint the pink away. (There might be some dolls with pink hair, but no once cares because they are under veil all the time.) Thirdly, there are no promiscuous clothes on the dolls or in the closets or dressers. Fourth, there are images of ancestral Beguines and favored politicians on the walls. And finally, all the windows look out upon the sisters' actual hemp farm in Merced County.
The Sisters strive to use 99% recycled materials, as part of a green effort to rescue and repurpose items destined for landfills. Like the real Sisters, the Metties have had rough lives. They carry scars and imperfections.