MINNEAPOLIS, April 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“Customs”) has affirmed its previous determination that Vivaldi Commercial, LLC and Vivaldi Interiors, LLC (collectively “Vivaldi”), have evaded the antidumping and countervailing duties (“AD/CVD”) on quartz surface products from China by misclassifying merchandise as “crushed glass” that is outside the scope of the AD/CVD orders.
Vivaldi requested an administrative review of Customs December 6, 2021 determination that they evaded AD/CVD orders. Customs found Vivaldi evaded the AD/CVD duties when it imported quartz surface products made by Chinese producer Xiamen Sunrise Stone Company, Ltd. Vivaldi described the merchandise as “ECO Glass” or “slabs of crushed glass” when it imported the merchandise, and failed to report that it was subject to AD/CVD duties.
“Customs conducted a de novo review of all the evidence, rejected all of Vivaldi’s arguments, and affirmed the agency’s original finding that Vivaldi evaded the AD/CVD orders,” said Luke Meisner of the law firm of Schagrin Associates, Cambria’s legal counsel in this matter. “We hope this ruling sends a clear message that importers are playing with fire when then falsely claim that their quartz surface products are crushed glass surfaces that are outside the scope of the orders.”
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About Cambria
Cambria Company LLC, headquartered in Le Sueur, MN, is the leading domestic producer of quartz surface products. It is a family-owned, American company that employs more than 2,000 people in the United States.