HILLSIDE, Ill., April 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ShawnTe Raines-Welch, an accomplished attorney and Democratic candidate for Judge, is encouraging community members to participate in the global, virtual “Take Back The Night” event on April 28th from 7 PM – 8 PM CST. The Take Back The Night Foundation, which organizes the annual event, is an organization created to end sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual abuse and all other forms of sexual violence. They serve to create safe communities and respectful relationships through awareness events and initiatives. People of all backgrounds around the world take part in Take Back The Night events, raising their collective voices against violence.
“The ‘Take Back The Night’ movement has its roots in the women’s rights organizing of the early 1970s, when brave women across the country courageously banded together to raise awareness and speak out against sexual violence, a topic that was almost completely left out of the public conversation.” Raines said. “Over 50 years later we honor their legacy by speaking out as one against violence against women and embracing survivors from all backgrounds in all countries. Locally, our justice system must address the needs of survivors and protect women from violence. We must think globally and act locally. That is why it is so important to participate on April 28th”
According to the Take Back The Night Foundation:
1 in 3 women worldwide experience some form of sexual violence or intimate partner violence.
1 in 6 men experience sexual violence.
2 in 3 transgender people have been sexually assaulted.
People in the LGBTQIA+ community are more likely to experience sexual violence.
Less than 50% of victims report these crimes.
Community members can register for the global virtual April 28th “Take Back The Night” event here:
The Take Back The Night Foundation’s legal assistance hotline for survivors is 567-SHATTER and information is also available here:
Event Schedule (CST)
7:00PM: Welcome – Katie Koestner (she/her)
7:05PM: Opening Grounding – Jeanine Talento (she/her)
7:08PM: Sexual Assault on College Campuses – Jennifer Hirsch (she/her) & Shamus Khan (he/him)
7:13PM: Personal Survivor Story – Kelly Walter (she/her)
7:18PM: Legal Options & TBTN Legal Hotline – Brian Kent (he/him)
7:23PM: Original Poetry – Cathy Cohen (she/her)
7:28PM: Personal Survivor Story – Travis Marshall (he/him)
7:33PM: Healing from Sexual Violence – Laura Davis (she/her)
7:38PM: Vision for Men in Ending Sexual Violence – Antuan Raimone (he/him)
7:43PM: Durga India & Safe Spaces for Youth – Kevin Sequeira (he/him)
7:47PM: Closing Reflections – All Presenters
7:52PM: Closing Grounding – Jeanine Talento (she/her)
7:56-8:00PM: Conclusion – Katie Koestner (she/her)
Raines-Welch conducts training programs helping organizations, businesses and government entities ensure they comply with important federal laws protecting people’s rights. She is a Commissioner of the Proviso Township Mental Health Board and a community volunteer for a variety of causes. If elected, Raines-Welch would be the first woman of color ever elected Judge from Cook County’s 4th Judicial Subcircuit. She is rated “RECOMMENDED” by the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois.
The Democratic Primary Election is June 28, 2022. The 4th Subcircuit (map) in Chicago’s Western suburbs includes all of Lyons, Riverside and Stickney Townships, and portions of Leyden, Palos, Proviso, and Worth townships. Raines-Welch’s campaign website is www.RainesWelchForJudge.com.