CALGARY, Alberta, April 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canadian Discovery Ltd. (CDL) is pleased to host a CCUS Webinar Series dedicated to understanding the knowledge and innovation occurring in Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS). The Calgary-based company, which recently completed the Southern U.S. Carbon AXIOM—an online tool to screen CO2 sequestering opportunities, will invite speakers from across North America to speak on a broad range of CCUS-related subjects.
These technical webinars will cover topics such as: geotechnical workflows, emerging technologies, evolving government regulations, monitoring practices and methodologies, carbon credits, risks, research gaps, opportunities and priorities in CCUS. To achieve the targets set out by the Paris Agreement, our understanding with respect to the workflows and the deployment of technologies must accelerate to reduce CO2 emissions. CDL’s goal is to encourage engagement, enhance communication and increase our collective knowledge across industries, research communities and investors to maximize our collective efforts and develop synergies towards clean energy solutions.
The first Webinar of the series will take place on May 11, 2022 at 9:30 am MST. Webinars are recorded live and will be available for later viewing on CDL’s website. Those who wish to attend a Webinar can register at any time before the event. Those who are interested in guest speaking on CDL’s CCUS Webinar Series can contact Christa Williams at for more information.
About Canadian Discovery Ltd.
Canadian Discovery Ltd. (CDL) is an independent, global energy information services company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. As world leaders in reservoir- to basin-scale evaluation, we specialize in assessing subsurface properties, pressure, fluid flow, fluid chemistry and geomechanics. CDL’s extensive subsurface knowledge and GIS capabilities support Clean Technologies including Carbon Sequestration and Storage (CCUS), Critical Minerals, Geothermal Energy and Water Disposal and Sourcing Solutions. Our deep understanding of depositional environments and fluid-rock interactions in the subsurface has been CDL’s core competency for 35 years. We are using this foundation to strategically deliver CCUS site identification, Critical Mineral and Deep Geothermal assessments to clients world-wide.
Contact Canadian Discovery Ltd.
+1 403 269 3644
500, 622 – 5 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB Canada, T2P 0M6