Founder of Stillwater Behavioral Health Nicholas Mathews Interviewed on The Subject Matter Expert Podcast by Qamar Zaman

Zaman interviewed Stillwater Behavioral Health CEO Nicholas Mathews on his recent podcast covering the challenges treatment face when running a substance use disorder facility.

Montecito, CA, April 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Zaman interviewed Stillwater Behavioral Health CEO Nicholas Mathews on his recent podcast covering the challenges treatment face when running a substance use disorder facility.

The podcast covered:

  • Nicholas Mathews personal addiction story.
  • How he got started in the field of substance use treatment.
  • What people can learn from the different types of treatment modalities
  • Understanding the Disease of Addiction
  • Challenges founders like Mr. Mathews faced and how to overcome them.

Listen to the full interview on your favorite podcast listening platform:

Apple iTunes, Amazon Music, Google Podcast & Spotify

About Stillwater Behavioral Health CEO Nicholas Mathews

Nicholas Mathews is a founder of Stillwater Behavioral Health, a Dual Diagnosis treatment facility that personalizes care to help those struggling to recover from substance addiction and mental health disorders. Mathews abused opioids at a young age before becoming a heroin addict at age 16. It was only when he developed a life-threatening liver condition that he realized he needed to get clean. After succeeding, he dedicated his life to guiding others into sobriety, becoming a consultant for various treatment facilities. This work made him determined to fix deficiencies in clinical care and boost the overall effectiveness of treatment programs. That’s when Stillwater was born. He intends to grow the facility to help even more people regardless of their socioeconomic background. He currently studies at Harvard Business School online.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to treating substance use. Therefore, Stillwater Behavioral Health programs are customized and personalized and they offer each client a unique treatment experience. They offer the truly individualized care that combines traditional, modern and holistic therapies is the best path to long-term, sustainable recovery.

Learn more about them at

About Qamar Zaman - Host of Subject Matter Expert Podcast

Qamar Zaman is a host of the Subject Matter Expert Podcast who interviews other experts around the world on his show.

You can listen to the full interview on your favorite podcast listening platform

Apple iTunes, Amazon Music, Google Podcast & Spotify

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