Dublin, May 06, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Wealthy Savers and Investors 2022: Consumer Research Report" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
Wealthy Investors are defined as UK consumers with investible wealth held in savings, investments or defined contribution (DC) personal pensions of £100,000 and above. The report considers the composition of Wealthy Investors' wealth, how Wealthy Investors invest money, their use of financial advisors, their financial priorities, and their exposure to scams and investment misselling. For this report, the publisher commissioned Maru/Blue to conduct a survey among its online panel, drawing on a nationally representative sample of 2,148 UK adults aged 18+. This generated a sample of 326 individuals who own combined investible investment, savings, and private pension wealth of £100,000 and above.
Wealthy Investors as defined in this report, represent 15% of all consumers. Wealthy Investors, as might be assumed, tend to be more affluent, from higher social grades compared with other consumers. The likelihood of a consumer being a Wealthy Investor tends to rise with income, social grade, and age, with men more likely to be Wealthy Investors compared with females. The highest average level of investible wealth is owned by Wealthy Investors aged 55+. Wealthy investors aged 55+, collectively own 62% of all the investible wealth owned by UK consumers.
Other findings from this report include:
- Over nine-in-ten Wealthy Investors hold all or some of their investments inside an ISA.
- Almost one-third of Investors use a fund/investment platform.
- Most Wealthy Investors can be classified as Careful Investors, i.e., Investors who both weigh up the features of an individual investment product and compare at least two alternatives before buying. This contrasts with Impulse Investors.
- Four-in-ten Wealthy Investors have used a financial advisor over the past three years and one-quarter rely heavily on advisors to manage their finances.
- Very few Investors currently use Robo Advisors but there is widespread interest in these services from both Investors who currently take regulated financial advice and those that do not.
- Almost one-quarter of Wealthy Investors have been approached by firms whose actions are indicative of fraudulent, mis-selling or scam activity. The most common approach is by firms who tried to sell Investors very high-risk products unsuitable for their needs, firms who tried to sell Investors products that are not regulated in the UK, and from firms who said they can help Investors get money back from failed investments or a scam.
Key Topics Covered:
1. Executive Summary
- 15% of Consumers Are Wealthy Investors
- Wealthy Investors Have Three Main Types of Financial Priorities
- Retail Investment and Pensions The Core of A Wealthy Investor'S Portfolio
- Over Half of Wealthy Investors Have Made New Investments
- Wealthy Investors Frequently Assess Their Portfolios
- Most Investors Make Comparative Choices Before Investing Their Money
- When Choosing An Investment Product, Risk Is A Key Consideration
- Four-In-Ten Wealthy Investors Have Used A Financial Advisor
- Robo Advice, Little Used But With Potential
- One-Third of Wealthy Investors Exposed To Scams, Frauds and Mis-Selling
2. Introduction
- Definitions
3. Who Are Wealthy Savers and Investors?
- 15% of Consumers Are Wealthy Investors
- The Investing Spectrum
- The Typical Wealthy Investor Has Almost £400,000 In Investible Wealth
4. Investing Preferences and Goals
- Wealthy Investors Focus On The Long-Term and Are Confident Achieving Their Goals
- Wealthy Investor Confidence Supported By Greater Understanding of Risk
- Risk Appreciation Makes It Easier To Invest Over The Long-Term
5. Composition of Wealth
- Wealthy Investors Rely Heavily On Investments and Pensions For Their Wealth
- The Majority of Wealthy Investors Own All Three Asset Types
- Wealthy Investors Owning Funds Prefer Actively Managed Funds
- Almost All Wealthy Investors Hold Some Investments Inside An Isa Wrapper
6. How Wealthy Investors Invest Their Money
- A Majority of Wealthy Investors Have Made New Investments Over The Past Year
- Wealthy Investors Check Their Savings and Retail Investment Portfolios Frequently
- Around One-Third of Wealthy Investors Use Investment Platforms
- Online Channels Are The Most Popular Method of Investing
7. The Drivers of Product Choice
- Wealthy Investors Contrast and Compare Products Before Buying
- Two Groups of Investors
- Risk The Main Factor Considered By Wealthy Investors When Investing
8. Getting Advice and Sourcing Information
- Use of Financial Advisors Increases With Wealth
- Young Affluent Wealthy Investors Rely The Most On Financial Advice
- Independent Financial Advisors Are The Most Popular Type
- Not All Wealthy Investors Feel They Need Financial Advisors
- Does Robo Advice Have A Future With Wealthy Investors?
- Financial Advisors Complement Rather Than Substitute Investor Knowledge
- Its Horses For Courses When It Comes To Arrangements With Financial Advisors
- Advice Takers Also Gather Their Own Information
9. Susceptibility To Scams and Mis-Selling
- Over One-Third of Investors Possibly Exposed To Fraudulent Activities and Attempted Scams
- Younger Wealthy Investors The Most Exposed
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/9r7xxv