Afghanistan - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses

Afghanistan telecom sector’s progress threatened by the return of the Taliban regime

Sydney, May 06, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Just released, this edition of BuddeComm report outlines the latest developments and key trends in the telecoms markets. -

However, the Taliban’s return to power following the collapse of the Afghan government and the withdrawal of international security forces has raised the prospect of these ventures never actually seeing the light of day.

The Afghan central government collapsed on August 15, 2021, precipitating the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul then the remainder of the country almost within a single day. That put an end to a 20-year mission to establish a civil society. It also arrested the development and growth of the country’s telecom sector, which had to start from scratch in building a functioning network and connections to the outside world following the end of the previous Taliban regime’s rule in 2001.

Part of the challenge involved building the infrastructure needed to support increasing demand for voice and data as the mobile subscription base rose from zero to close to 100% penetration. Afghanistan was making good progress in rolling out a nationwide optical fibre backbone, and a 400km cross-border fibre link with China (part of the Wakhan Corridor Fibre Optic Survey Project) was close to completion. Yet the Taliban had embarked on a strategy of destroying communications systems – the very same fibre cables being installed around the country as well as hundreds of mobile towers – in the leadup to the US announcing its withdrawal. The Taliban showed disdain for developing a modern communications system in the past; there seems little hope of a change in attitude that would result in the regime taking the final steps to get the fibre networks up and running.

Key developments:

  • MTN Afghanistan in negotiations to exit the market.
  • Etisalat selects OpenRAN solutions over Huawei for the upgrade of its 2G, 3G, and 4G networks.
  • Salaam Telecom is the only successful bidder in a 4G spectrum auction, securing an additional 5MHz in the 1800MHz band.

Companies mentioned in this report:

Afghan Telecom, Salaam Telecom, Afghan Wireless Communications Company (AWCC), Roshan, Etisalat Afghanistan, MTN Afghanistan, Wasel Telecom.

Read the full report:


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