Campaign for Public Education to Hold Press Conference

Friday’s speakers will include autism experts, President of Elementary Teachers Toronto, Jennifer Brown, Fix Our Schools, and Dr. Beyhan Farhadi


Press Conference

1pm, Friday May 27, 2022

400 – 1482 Bathurst Street, Toronto

 Students and parents are looking for: 

  • Schools in which to learn, not virtual learning
  • Schools in good repair and air filters that work
  • Lunchroom supervisors for kids’ safety
  • Caretakers to keep our schools and HEPA air filters well maintained
  • Teachers, Special Education workers, Early Childhood educator

“Recently announced cuts to student programs and school safety at the Toronto District School Board brought on by four years of the Ford Government have put our students at risk,” says Campaign for Public Education spokesperson, Stephen Seaborn.

“What we need from a new government is a pledge to reverse the cuts to public education,” Seaborn believes, and adds, “What we need from Ontario voters is to elect MPPs who will reverse the cuts.”

Adds Habiba Aden, a Special Education assistant, “Just as dozens of positions are cut, our children in need of specialized learning is greater than ever!”

Says Krista Wylie, a parent with the group, Fix our Schools, “Schools in Ontario are plagued by $16.8 billion in disrepair. So, how is it that 2.5 years into a global pandemic, the Ford government has made zero effort to track the air quality and ventilation for students and adults in Ontario’s classrooms?”

Friday’s speakers will include Angela Brandt, Ontario Autism Council; TDSB Special Education specialist, Habiba Aden; teacher and president of Elementary Teachers Toronto, Jennifer Brown; parent organizer at Fix Our Schools, Krista Wylie; and Dr. Beyhan Farhadi, who, long before COVID-19 was studying the Ontario Government’s mandated online learning shortcomings.  


Campaign for Public Education is an association of organizations, civic agencies and groups representing community leaders, parents, adult learners, students, education workers and ethno-racial community representatives. Since 2001, we have been campaigning together for quality public education for all in order to “Give Students what they Need to Succeed”

#campaignforpubliceducation       @cpe_toronto




CPE Education Charter CPE Media Release - May 27

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