BOSTON, June 09, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today Gradient Technologies, the Cybersecurity Mesh innovator, announced the company has been awarded a 2022 MassVentures START Award. By eliminating the threats of credential-based, malware, and memory resident attacks causing 80% or more of today’s cybersecurity breaches, Gradient Security Mesh is the only technology that can prevent cyber attacks before they happen.
In the last year Zero Trust as a cybersecurity concept has gained widespread attention, but practical implementation of a Zero Trust architecture is perceived to be a slow, painful process. Zero Trust focuses on ensuring every device has a strong identity and that this identity is validated before a device is granted access. Yet, a unified identity layer is nonexistent for most organizations. Gradient Security Mesh creates this unified identity fabric on top of existing tools, and ensures a unified security posture for all assets, users, and data, whether they’re on-premises, in data centers, or in the cloud.
This award not only recognizes Gradient’s technology innovation, but presents new opportunities to catalyze deployment in enterprise, critical infrastructure, and government applications.
“We are excited about the MassVentures recognition and the additional exposure to industry and government leaders that the program can provide,” commented Gradient founder & CEO, Christian Wentz. “Gradient is on a mission to secure the connected world with Security Mesh, a next-generation cybersecurity framework that endows resilience against ransomware and malware attacks as part of the core security DNA of all connected devices, users and data. This award recognizes our expansion of Security Mesh to secure critical infrastructure systems, both greenfield and legacy - those powering America's oil and gas, utilities, financial, and healthcare sectors today. We are securing the parts of America’s infrastructure being targeted by nation state actors including Russian and Chinese hacking groups today.”
“Beyond enterprise applications, Gradient has been expanding the initial capabilities of our Security Mesh offering to be able to secure critical infrastructure and defense IoT and embedded assets with nation-state-level Zero Trust cybersecurity capabilities, down to the integrity of the lowest level software and even the silicon itself. IoT devices present particular challenges in that they lack the processing power or specialized hardware often required by today’s security frameworks, and present an additional burden of intermittent, bandwidth-limited connectivity. These devices have field lifetimes of 10 years or more, making them acutely at risk to quantum computing, which the NSA believes will break critical, existing cryptography on which these devices depend.”
Of particular value to IoT infrastructure is how Gradient solves the problem of post-quantum cybersecurity. Devices shipped today, and powered by its Security Mesh, can be securely upgraded behind the scenes, remotely, to any post-quantum cipher suites in the future. Such innovations can directly lead to real cost savings to the DoD and the private sector of hundreds of billions of dollars simply by eliminating the need to replace these devices prematurely. Gradient has already integrated this post-quantum robustness into its own infrastructure and is piloting the Security Mesh solution with Fortune 500 critical infrastructure players.
For further information on or to request a demo of Gradient’s Security Mesh solution, visit:
About Gradient Technologies
Gradient is pioneering technology that secures the world’s digital systems against ransomware and malware by preventing cyber attacks before they happen, at machine speed. Gradient Security Mesh is the only cybersecurity solution that continually protects and communicates, via patented secure hardware attestation, the complete security posture of every platform. Gradient’s mission is to secure the connected world, deploying to anything that runs code.
About MassVentures’ START Program
The SBIR Targeted Technologies (START) Program helps Massachusetts-based start-ups convert research developed under SBIR and STTR contracts into businesses and jobs in Massachusetts. Since 2012, MassVentures has been supporting Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and helps Massachusetts-based companies win with different government agencies, including DOE, DOD, NSF, NIH, NASA, EPA and NIST. The win rate for MassVentures supported teams has been 52%, more than three times higher than the nominal win rate of 15%.
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George Harper