HILLSIDE, Ill., June 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With early voting for the June 28th Democratic Primary Election now underway in neighborhood locations, judicial candidate ShawnTe Raines-Welch continues to win endorsements from diverse organizations and community leaders. Raines-Welch’s endorsements now include:
Congressman Chuy Garcia
Secretary of State Jessie White
State Senator Steven Landek
State Rep. Mike Zalewski
State Rep. Lisa Hernandez
Mayor Dr. Jim DiScipio - La Grange Park
Mayor Mark Kuchler - La Grange
Mayor Nick Stecker - Westchester
Mayor Joseph Ballerine - Riverside
Mayor Andre F. Harvey - Bellwood
Mayor Barrett Pedersen - Franklin Park
Mayor Joseph T. Tamburino - Hillside
Mayor Ronald M. Serpico - Melrose Park
Mayor Joseph Mengoni - North Riverside
Mayor Sergio Rodriguez - Summit
Mayor Jeffery T. Sherwin - Northlake
Mayor Christopher Getty - Lyons
Mayor Sean R. McDermott - Countryside
Mayor Robert E. Lee - Berkley
Mayor Jeff Walik - Stickney
Mayor Beniamino Mazzulla - Stone Park
Chicago Federation of Labor
Personal PAC
Associated Firefighters of Illinois
Chicago Firefighters Union Local 2
International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150
International Union of Operating Engineers Local 399
Mid-America Regional Carpenters Council
Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Local Union
Teamsters Joint Council 25
Indo-American Democratic Organization
American Middle East Voters Alliance (AMVOTE PAC)
Chicago Latino Public Affairs Committee
United Hellenic Voters of America
Italian American Political Commission
Raines-Welch has also been given ratings of QUALIFIED or RECOMMENDED by the following bar associations representing the diversity of Cook County’s legal community:
Arab American Bar Association of Illinois
Advocates Society – The Association of Polish American Attorneys
Black Women's Lawyers Association
Chicago Bar Association
Chicago Council of Lawyers
Cook County Bar Association
Decalogue Society of Lawyers
Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois
Hellenic Bar Association
Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago
Puerto Rican Bar Association of Illinois
Women’s Bar Association of Illinois
“Our campaign is more energized than ever,” said Raines-Welch. “Democratic and progressive organizations and community leaders have united behind our campaign and they know I’ll bring an important background and perspective to the bench.”
Raines-Welch has over 12 years of litigation experience in diverse areas of law including civil rights, disability rights and labor and employment law. Raines-Welch conducts training programs helping organizations, businesses and government entities ensure they comply with important federal laws protecting people’s rights. In addition to her service as a Commissioner of the Proviso Township Mental Health Board, she is a community volunteer for a variety of causes including autism awareness and support.
If elected, Raines-Welch would be the first woman of color ever elected Judge from the 4th subcircuit. The 4th Subcircuit (map) in Chicago’s Western suburbs includes all of Lyons, Riverside and Stickney Townships, and portions of Leyden, Palos, Proviso, and Worth townships. Raines-Welch’s campaign website is www.RainesWelchForJudge.com.
Early in-person voting has started. Voters can also request their Vote by Mail ballot through June 23, and they are strongly encouraged to return their completed ballots as soon as possible or at least three days before election day (June 28). To learn more about early voting, find a polling place, or to request a Vote by Mail ballot, visit the Cook County Clerk's website at: https://www.cookcountyclerkil.gov/