Global Ophthalmics Partnering Deal Terms and Agreement 2014-2022: Headline, Upfront and Royalty Terms by Stage of Development

Dublin, June 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Global Ophthalmics Partnering 2014-2022: Deal Trends, Players and Financials" report has been added to's offering.

The Global Ophthalmics Partnering 2014-2022 report provides comprehensive access to available deals and contract documents for over 550 ophthalmics deals signed between the world's pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies since 2014.

  • Trends in Ophthalmics partnering deals
  • Financial deal terms for headline, upfront and royalty by stage of development
  • Ophthalmics partnering agreement structure
  • Ophthalmics partnering contract documents
  • Top Ophthalmics deals by value
  • Most active Ophthalmics dealmakers

Most of the deals included within the report occur when a licensee obtains a right or an option right to license a licensor's product or technology. More often these days these deals tend to be multi-component including both a collaborative R&D and a commercialization of outcomes element.

The report takes readers through the comprehensive Ophthalmics disease deal trends, key players and top deal values allowing the understanding of how, why and under what terms companies are currently entering Ophthalmics deals.

The report presents financial deal terms values for Ophthalmics deals, where available listing by overall headline values, upfront payments, milestones and royalties enabling readers to analyse and benchmark the value of current deals.

The initial chapters of this report provide an orientation of Ophthalmics dealmaking trends.

Chapter 2 provides an overview of the trends in Ophthalmics dealmaking since 2014 covering trends by year, deal type, stage of development, technology type and therapeutic indication.

Chapter 3 includes an analysis of financial deal terms covering headline value, upfront payment, milestone payments and royalty rates.

Chapter 4 provides a review of the leading Ophthalmics deals since 2014. Deals are listed by headline value. The chapter includes the top 25 most active Ophthalmics dealmakers, together with a full listing of deals to which they are a party. Where the deal has an agreement contract published at the SEC a link provides online access to the contract.

Chapter 5 provides comprehensive access to Ophthalmics deals since 2014 where a deal contract is available, providing the user with direct access to contracts as filed with the SEC regulatory authorities. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive directory of all Ophthalmics partnering deals by specific Ophthalmics target announced since 2014. The chapter is organized by specific Ophthalmics therapeutic target. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

In addition, a comprehensive appendix is provided with each report of all Ophthalmics partnering deals signed and announced since 2014. The appendices are organized by company A-Z, stage of development at signing, deal type (collaborative R&D, co-promotion, licensing etc) and technology type. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

The report also includes numerous tables and figures that illustrate the trends and activities in Ophthalmics partnering and dealmaking since 2014.

In conclusion, this report provides everything a prospective dealmaker needs to know about partnering in the research, development and commercialization of Ophthalmics technologies and products.

The report includes deals for the following indications: Age-related macular degeneration, Blindness, Cataracts, Conjunctivitis, Diabetic macular edema, Dry eye, Glaucoma, Ocular hypertension, Retinal detachment Retinopathy, Diabetic retinopathy, Uveitis, plus other ophthalmic indications.

Report scope

Global Ophthalmics Partnering 2014 to 2022 includes:

  • Trends in Ophthalmics dealmaking in the biopharma industry since 2014
  • Access to headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
  • Access to hundreds of Ophthalmics deal contract documents
  • Comprehensive access to over 700 Ophthalmics deal records
  • The leading Ophthalmics deals by value since 2014
  • Most active Ophthalmics dealmakers since 2014

In Global Ophthalmics Partnering 2014 to 2022, available deals and contracts are listed by:

  • Headline value
  • Upfront payment value
  • Royalty rate value
  • Stage of development at signing
  • Deal component type
  • Technology type
  • Specific therapy indication

Analyzing actual contract agreements allows assessment of the following:

  • What are the precise rights granted or optioned?
  • What is actually granted by the agreement to the partner company?
  • What exclusivity is granted?
  • What is the payment structure for the deal?
  • How are the sales and payments audited?
  • What is the deal term?
  • How are the key terms of the agreement defined?
  • How are IPRs handled and owned?
  • Who is responsible for commercialization?
  • Who is responsible for development, supply, and manufacture?
  • How is confidentiality and publication managed?
  • How are disputes to be resolved?
  • Under what conditions can the deal be terminated?
  • What happens when there is a change of ownership?
  • What sublicensing and subcontracting provisions have been agreed?
  • Which boilerplate clauses does the company insist upon?
  • Which boilerplate clauses appear to differ from partner to partner or deal type to deal type?
  • Which jurisdiction does the company insist upon for agreement law?

Key Topics Covered:

Executive Summary

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Trends in Ophthalmics dealmaking
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Ophthalmics partnering over the years
2.3. Ophthalmics partnering by deal type
2.4. Ophthalmics partnering by industry sector
2.5. Ophthalmics partnering by stage of development
2.6. Ophthalmics partnering by technology type
2.7. Ophthalmics partnering by therapeutic indication

Chapter 3 -Financial deal terms for Ophthalmics partnering
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Disclosed financials terms for Ophthalmics partnering
3.3. Ophthalmics partnering headline values
3.4. Ophthalmics deal upfront payments
3.5. Ophthalmics deal milestone payments
3.6. Ophthalmics royalty rates

Chapter 4 - Leading Ophthalmics deals and dealmakers
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Most active in Ophthalmics partnering
4.3. List of most active dealmakers in Ophthalmics
4.4. Top Ophthalmics deals by value

Chapter 5 - Ophthalmics contract document directory
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Ophthalmics partnering deals where contract document available

Chapter 6 - Ophthalmics dealmaking by therapeutic target
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Deals by Ophthalmics therapeutic target


Appendix 1 - Directory of Ophthalmics deals by company A-Z 2014 to 2022
Appendix 2 - Directory of Ophthalmics deals by deal type 2014 to 2022
Appendix 3 - Directory of Ophthalmics deals by stage of development 2014 to 2022
Appendix 4 - Directory of Ophthalmics deals by technology type 2014 to 2022

Companies Mentioned

  • Biohealth Innovation
  • Brigham and Women's Hospital
  • Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
  • Eastman Chemical Company
  • Apexian Pharmaceuticals
  • Ping An Ventures
  • Eversana
  • Narayana Nethralaya Foundation
  • BLP Management
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • Covenant Surgical Partners
  • GHO Capital
  • SBI Capital Markets
  • Nevakar
  • Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
  • Ewopharma
  • KC Pharmaceuticals
  • LV Prasad Eye Institute
  • Cerevast Therapeutics
  • Foundation Fighting Blindness
  • Simulations Plus
  • Laboratoires Thea
  • LambdaVision
  • Bluejay Diagnostics
  • NovaBay Pharmaceuticals
  • Evergaze
  • Columbia Technology Ventures
  • Columbia University
  • Cannabics Pharmaceuticals
  • Aker BioMarine
  • Aura Biosciences
  • AXIM Biotechnologies
  • Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma
  • Tangible Science
  • ThromboGenics
  • Andrec
  • Evotec
  • Iveric Bio
  • Nordic Prime
  • Bionic Sight
  • Iconic Therapeutics
  • Arctic Vision
  • Cyclica
  • American Academy of Ophthalmology
  • Kali Care
  • Cell Care Therapeutics
  • ArcticDx
  • Wallace H. Coulter Foundation
  • Advanced Dosage Forms
  • AOAExcel
  • Changchun High & New Technology Industries
  • Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
  • Massachusetts General Hospital

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