DALLAS, June 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Independent retirement plan third-party administration (TPA) and recordkeeping firm Austin Capital Retirement Plan Services, LLC announces it will rebrand to RetireBetter on July 1, 2022, in order to better reflect its core mission of helping individuals better prepare for retirement. Based in Dallas, TX, RetireBetter is a leading retirement plan TPA and recordkeeper that has been providing services to corporate and individual clients for almost 30 years.
RetireBetter provides corporate retirement plan services including: 401(k), 403(b), 457, Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plans, Cash Balance Plans (NQDC), and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). The firm also offers Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and Individual 401(k) plans for individual investors. Working with financial advisors nationwide, RetireBetter provides access to virtually any investment product on its open-architecture investment platform and can establish services at virtually any national custodian.
“The retirement plan services industry has seen a number of changes over the last couple of years and we saw the need to better position ourselves as a trusted retirement partner with corporate plan sponsors, their employees, and individual investors,” said Sharon Mora-Schulz, Vice President at RetireBetter.
She continued, “By rebranding to RetireBetter, we are showing the world what our core mission has been, and always will be: to help people plan for, save for, and enjoy their retirement years. And we do this by having some of the most advanced financial technology in the industry to offer the account solutions, investment options, and individualized service clients demand.”
About RetireBetter
RetireBetter works together with advisers and clients to harness a high-technology administration and recordkeeping system, combined with unparalleled access to investment options in order to offer a best-in-class retirement platform for corporate and individual clients.
If you would like additional information, please contact John Alvarez at (214) 624-1022 or jalvarez@usdailyjournal.com.
US Daily Journal
John Alvarez, Vice President
(214) 624-1022