Transactions in connection with share buy-back program

Company announcement no. 14 - 22
20 September 2022

Transactions in connection with share buy-back program

On 12 August 2022 NTG Nordic Transport Group (“NTG”) announced a share buy-back program, as described in company announcement no. 9 - 22. The program will be executed in accordance with the principles of Regulation No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and Council of 16 April 2014 (MAR) and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, also referred to as the Safe Harbor rules.

The purposes of the share buy-back program are to meet obligations relating to acquisition of minority shareholders’ shares in NTG subsidiaries under the “Ring-the-Bell” concept, cover obligations arising under share-based incentive programs, and potentially for other purposes such as payment in relation to potential M&A transactions.

Under the share buy-back program NTG will purchase its own shares for an aggregate maximum amount of DKK 100,000,000, up to 310,000 shares (nominally DKK 6,200,000), corresponding to 1.37% of the current share capital of NTG.

The share buy-back program will run from 15 August 2022 to 31 March 2023 at the latest, both days inclusive.

The following transactions have been made under the share buy-back program:

 Number of sharesAverage purchase price (DKK)Transaction value (DKK)
Accumulated, latest announcement55,944 17,349,039
13 September 20222,500255.2638,078
14 September 20223,006249.9751,078
15 September 20224,000245.3981,165
16 September 20223,210231.6743,531
19 September 20222,647223.9592,583
Accumulated under the program71,307 21,055,472

With the transactions stated above, NTG owns a total of 435,008 treasury shares, corresponding to 1.92% of the current share capital of NTG.

Details of each transaction are included as appendix.

Additional information

For additional information, please contact:

Investor relations:
Christian D. Jakobsen, Group CFO                                    

+45 42 12 80 99
Mathias Jensen-Vinstrup, Executive Vice President

+45 42 12 80 90



Company announcement no 14_2022 Appendix_company announcement no 14_2022