Falls Church, Virginia, Oct. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Azzad Asset Management announced today that it has once again been named to the CNBC FA 100, a ranked list of wealth management firms that offer the most comprehensive planning and financial services to help clients navigate their financial lives.
The firm said in a statement:
Being named to the CNBC FA 100 list is an important recognition of Azzad's work. We help our clients navigate the complex financial industry and optimize their financial plans through our personalized, faith-based approach. We are grateful to be included again on this year's list and will continue to strive to uphold the reputation that such an acknowledgement confers.
CNBC's special report, located at CNBC.com/FA100, features articles that include a closer look at how the firms were chosen, an overview of the FA space, and why more people are turning to FAs now.
Results were determined based on a proprietary methodology developed by CNBC in partnership with AccuPoint Solutions and takes into consideration number of years in the business, number of employees, number of investment advisors registered with the firm, the ratio of investment advisors to total number of employees, total assets under management, percentage of discretionary assets under management, total accounts under management, number of states where the RIA is registered, and country of domicile.
About Azzad Asset Management
Azzad is committed to providing investment services designed to help people enjoy optimum performance without compromising their values. Azzad is a member of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions.
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