SPEC Forms Server Efficiency Committee

New Committee Focused on Standardized Server Benchmarks for Regulatory and Compliance Programs Delivers SERT 2.0.6 Suite

GAINESVILLE, Va., Oct. 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Standard Performance Evaluation Corp. (SPEC) today announced that the International Standards Group (ISG) has formed the Server Efficiency Committee to oversee the establishment and development of standardized server benchmarks for use primarily in governmental regulations and compliance programs related to energy use and sustainability. A key mandate of the Committee is to collaborate with national and international standards development organizations, such as The Green Grid, to enhance global standards. Members of the ISG Server Efficiency Committee include AMD, Ampere, Dell, HPE, IBM, Inspur, Intel, Microsoft, NVIDIA and University of Würzburg. The Committee, which took over development of SERT 2 suite, also announced the release of SERT 2.0.6 suite.

“The Server Efficiency Committee will focus on the global demand for greater coordination around server efficiency standards and updated benchmarks that reflect evolving server technologies and sustainability requirements,” said SPEC Server Efficiency Committee Chair Sanjay Sharma. “The SERT suite is a major first step in creating a single, internationally recognized benchmark for use in every regional and national standard and regulation focused on the energy efficiency of servers. I encourage additional organizations, government agencies and vendors with a stake in sustainability and the future of energy efficiency standards to join the Server Efficiency Committee.”

“Sustainable IT is now a critical global requirement, and the creation of the Server Efficiency Committee represents a tremendous opportunity to leverage the deep expertise SPEC has developed to enhance its trusted, independent SPEC SERT suite, so it continues to be the global gold standard for accurately measuring modern server energy efficiency,” said David Reiner, Chair of The Green Grid (TGG). “This effort won’t be easy, but it’s essential, and I’m delighted about TGG and SPEC’s ongoing collaboration on this vital benchmark.”

SERT 2.0.6 suite
The ISO/IEC 21836-compliant SERT suite provides a solid technical base that organizations and governments can use to achieve their energy efficiency objectives. SERT results are required to sell servers in Japan and the European Union (EU), as well as for Cloud Service Provider deployments in the EU. In the U.S., SERT measurements are required for companies seeking ENERGY STAR for Enterprise Server certifications from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition, the China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS) and India’s Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) are currently considering the SERT suite for inclusion in their upcoming server energy regulations.

SERT 2.0.6 suite updates include:

  • Windows Server 2022 support – Reflects SPEC’s commitment to keeping its benchmarks current with emerging technologies, and ensures organizations can continue taking advantage of the suite as they upgrade to the latest Microsoft server technology.
  • Integration of the SPEC PTDaemon 1.10.0 Interface:
    • Additional temperature sensors – In response to user requests for additional temperature sensors, users can now choose from an even larger selection of ISO-compliant temperature sensors. The PTDaemon Interface now supports TFA Dostman and Cleware temperature sensors.
    • Multichannel mode – Allows for compliant results via channel summing on devices that support it (Hioki 3336/3337, Yokogawa WT330/500, ZES Zimmer LMG 450/500/600). This enables users to measure larger systems with fewer power analyzers.
    • LXI protocol – Added the LXI protocol code to the Linux interface to enable connecting devices, such as Yokogawa, using this protocol. Allows users to choose their preferred power analyzer interface.

Available for immediate download
The SERT 2.0.6 suite is available for immediate download from SPEC for 2,800 USD. Discounts are available for qualifying non-profit research and academic organizations. Current SERT 2 licensees are eligible to receive a free upgrade. The SERT suite requires a SPEC-accepted power analyzer and temperature sensor. Visit the SERT 2 website for more information.

For more information about SPEC, or to join the International Standards Group and the Server Efficiency Committee, visit https://www.spec.org/isg.

About SPEC
SPEC is a non-profit organization that establishes, maintains and endorses standardized benchmarks and tools to evaluate performance for the newest generation of computing systems. Its membership comprises more than 120 leading computer hardware and software vendors, educational institutions, research organizations, and government agencies worldwide.

Media contact:
Brigit Valencia

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