Inbank Unaudited Financial Results for Q3 and 9 Months 2022

In Q3 2022 Inbank earned a consolidated net profit of 13.4 million euros, increasing 265% year-on-year. The net profit in the first nine months of 2022 was 19 million euros, which is 136% more than the year before. The return on equity in Q3 was 57.7%.

  • Inbank’s loan portfolio increased by 31% compared to Q3 2021 reaching 711 million euros. The deposit portfolio grew 22% and reached 728 million euros by the end of Q3.
  • Total sales for Q3 was nearly 145 million euros increasing 7% year-on-year. 
  • In terms of product segments, sales finance decreased 9% year-on-year to 86 million euros, amounting to 60% of total sales. Personal loans increased by 77% to nearly 27 million euros, while car financing increased in sales volume by 27% to 31 million euros. 
  • On 1 July Inbank completed the sale of its 29.8% stake in Maksekeskus which resulted in 11.4 million euros of extraordinary profit in the third quarter.
  • By the end of Q3, the number of active contracts reached 845,000 growing 10% year-on-year.

Priit Põldoja, Chairman of the Management Board, comments on the results:

“Although Inbank continued its usual strong growth and sold credit products for a record 145 million euros, the financial results of the third quarter of 2022 were anything but usual. We earned a record profit of 13.4 million euros for Q3, however, this result was influenced by an extraordinary income and expenses. 

Regardless of the difficult economic situation, Inbank continues on a strong wave of growth. Record sales increased the loan portfolio by 31% year-on-year, raising its value to 711.2 million euros. Sales volumes in the Baltics continued their record growth, amounting to 91.8 million. In an environment of higher interest rates and a weakening currency, Polish sales have stabilised at a quarterly level of 53.1 million euros, marking the best result since early 2022.

Our Czech branch launched the business in the third quarter and signed its first customer contracts. We continue to invest in technology and growth in new markets. To serve this goal, we will be merging our technology and product development units from 1 November. The new unit will be headed by Erik Kaju, who has spent 8 years managing technology teams at Wise, and who will also be joining Inbank’s management board. Piret Paulus has also returned from the sabbatical to resume her duties as a member of Inbank’s management board and as the new head of Inbank’s growth and business development unit.

All in all, Inbank is well positioned to succeed in an environment favouring the development of digital and green economy. Our technological infrastructure and product innovation-focused strategy provide growth opportunities across various product verticals and business models. That is why we continue to invest in growing our competitive edge even in difficult times.”

Key financial indicators for 30.09.2022 and Q3

Total assets EUR 913.4 million
Loan portfolio EUR 711.2 million
Deposit portfolio EUR 728.5 million
Total equity EUR 99.7 million
Net profit EUR 13.4 million
Return on equity 57.7%

Consolidated income statement (in thousands of euros)*
 Q3 2022Q3 20219 months 20229 months 2021
Interest income based on EIR17 19812 27045 95634 859
Interest expense-5 805-2 585-12 569-6 992
Net interest income11 3939 68533 38727 867
Fee income9376042 4681 539
Fee expense-975-735-2 566-2 307
Net fee and commission income-38-131-98-768
Net gains from financial assets measured at fair value-149090
Foreign exchange rate gains/losses-528133-7812
Net gains/losses from financial items-677133-7722
Other operating income7 5295 00819 62513 561
Other operating expense-5 629-3 750-14 117-10 178
Total net interest, fee and other income12 57810 94538 02530 484
Personnel expenses-3 273-2 947-10 021-8 530
Marketing expenses-933-626-2 279-1 826
Administrative expenses-2 267-1 431-6 126-4 127
Depreciations, amortisation-1 183-876-3 286-2 421
Total operating expenses-7 656-5 880-21 712-16 904
Profit before profit from associates and impairment losses on loans4 9225 06516 31313 580
Share of profit from subsidiaries and associates11 570611 430263
Impairment losses on loans and advances-3 050-1 251-8 710-4 997
Profit before income tax13 4423 82019 0338 846
Income tax-37-145-76-820
Profit for the period13 4053 67518 9578 026
Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss    
Currency translation differences231-160266-101
Total comprehensive income for the period13 6363 51519 2237 925

Consolidated statement of financial position (in thousands of euros)   
Due from central banks72 90277 45399 112
Due from credit institutions16 33017 87011 744
Investments in debt securities9 3207 6847 118
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss1900
Loans and advances 711 180604 848543 206
Investments in associates1 0767744 792
Tangible assets41 61019 14716 426
Right of use asset23 46325 23125 776
Intangible assets25 33022 42321 521
Other financial assets3 0372 1511 317
Other assets5 9952 7695 078
Deferred tax asset3 1222 4012 381
Assets held for sale04 2030
Total assets913 384786 954738 471
Customer deposits728 457617 857599 007
Other financial liabilities51 29549 18845 508
Current tax liability234284788
Deferred tax liability7412572
Other liabilities3 0833 2965 546
Subordinated debt securities30 55937 18717 591
Total liabilities813 702707 937668 512
Share capital1 023997970
Share premium31 65530 43624 463
Statutory reserve capital1009696
Other reserves2 0881 6251 539
Retained earnings64 81645 86342 891
Total equity99 68279 01769 959
Total liabilities and equity913 384786 954738 471

*To provide better overview, an adjustment was made in the 31.12.2021 report, which resulted in reclassification of the subsidiary's 100% buyout option expense which is now reflected in the same expense group as the subsidiary's other operating expense. In addition, due to the growth of Polish and Czech business and foreign currency transactions, foreign exchange gains and losses were reclassified from administrative expenses and are reported under "Foreign exchange rate revaluation losses/gains". The effect of the change on the report and the numerical indicators are presented in the table below:

 31.12.2021Reclassification31.12.2021 restatedQ3 2021ReclassificationQ3 2021 restated9 months 2021Reclassification9 months 2021 restated
Foreign exchange rate gains/losses0-23-230133133022
Other operating expense-13 833-418-14 251-3 681-69-3 750-9 994-184-10 178
Administrative expenses-6 627441-6 186-1 367-64-1 431-4 309182-4 127

Inbank is a consumer finance focused digital bank active in the Baltics, Poland, and the Czech Republic with additional deposits accepted in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and Finland. Inbank has over 6,000 active partners and 845,000 active contracts. Inbank bonds are listed on the Nasdaq Baltic Stock Exchange.

Additional information:
Merit Arva
Inbank AS
Head of Communications
+372 553 3550


