In October 2022, the number of Icelandair’s passengers was around 333 thousand, compared to 206 thousand in October last year. The load factor on international and domestic flights was 80.2%. Capacity in October reached 99% of 2019 levels. The number of passengers for the first ten months of 2022 is more than three million.
The number of passengers on international flights was around 307 thousand compared to 181 thousand in October 2021. The number of passengers to Iceland was 133 thousand, or over 43% of the total number, and from Iceland 58 thousand. Via passengers were 116 thousand. On time performance on international flights was 80%. The load factor on international flights was 80.2% compared to 68.9% in October 2021.
The number of passengers on domestic flights was around 26 thousand, compared to more than 25 thousand in October 2021. On time performance was 88%. The load factor on domestic flights was 80.8% compared to 74.5% in October 2021.
Sold block hours in charter flights increased by 26%. Freight measured in Freight Ton Kilometers decreased by 20% compared to October last year.
Route Network | Oct 22 | Oct 21 | CHG (%) | YTD 22 | YTD 21 | CHG (%) |
Number of Passengers | 332,844 | 205,957 | 62% | 3,174,743 | 1,122,775 | 183% |
Load Factor | 80.2% | 69.0% | 11.2 ppt | 80.8% | 63.7% | 17.2 ppt |
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000) | 1,210.1 | 796.0 | 52% | 11,336.8 | 4,647.5 | 144% |
Revenue Passenger KM (RPK´000,000) | 971.1 | 549.2 | 77% | 9,165.5 | 2,959.2 | 210% |
INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS | Oct 22 | Oct 21 | CHG (%) | YTD 22 | YTD 21 | CHG (%) |
To market (passengers) | 133,380 | 104,770 | 27% | 1,312,586 | 546,816 | 140% |
From market (passengers) | 57,564 | 32,979 | 75% | 458,829 | 140,030 | 228% |
Via market (passengers) | 116,066 | 42,960 | 170% | 1,178,325 | 248,578 | 374% |
Number of Passengers | 307,010 | 180,709 | 70% | 2,949,740 | 935,424 | 215% |
Load Factor | 80.2% | 68.9% | 11.3 ppt | 80.9% | 63.6% | 17.3 ppt |
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000) | 1,200.9 | 785.1 | 53% | 11,254.1 | 4,566.6 | 146% |
Revenue Passenger KM (RPK´000,000) | 963.6 | 541.2 | 78% | 9,101.2 | 2,902.9 | 214% |
Stage length (KM) | 3,166 | 3,123 | 1% | 3,090 | 3,123 | -1% |
On-Time-Performance (Arrivals) | 79.9% | 84.0% | -4.1 ppt | 72.8% | 85.0% | -12.2 ppt |
DOMESTIC FLIGHTS | Oct 22 | Oct 21 | CHG (%) | YTD 22 | YTD 21 | CHG (%) |
Number of Passengers | 25,834 | 25,248 | 2% | 225,003 | 187,351 | 20% |
Load Factor | 80.8% | 74.5% | 6.3 ppt | 77.8% | 69.5% | 8.2 ppt |
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000) | 9.2 | 10.8 | -15% | 82.7 | 80.9 | 2% |
On-Time-Performance (Arrivals) | 88% | 88% | 0.3 ppt | 73% | 89% | -16.5 ppt |
Cargo & Leasing | Oct 22 | Oct 21 | CHG (%) | YTD 22 | YTD 21 | CHG (%) |
Sold Block Hours - Leasing | 1,491 | 1,184 | 26% | 12,239 | 11,330 | 8% |
Freight Tonne KM (FTK´000) | 10,339 | 12,987 | -20% | 109,181 | 115,926 | -6% |
CO2 EMISSIONS | Oct 22 | Oct 21 | CHG (%) | YTD 22 | YTD 21 | CHG (%) |
Total CO2 emissions tonnes | 87,517 | 59,010 | 48% | 815,779 | 376,382 | 117% |
CO2 emissions per OTK | 0.75 | 0.85 | -11% | 0.77 | 0.96 | -20% |
Investors: Íris Hulda Þórisdóttir, Director of Investor Relations. E-mail:
Media: Ásdís Pétursdóttir, Director of Communications. E-mail: