EXIT Realty Eastern Ontario Named EXIT’s Region of the Year

Mississauga, ON, Nov. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EXIT Realty Eastern Ontario was named International Region of the Year by EXIT Realty Corp. International.  AJ Plant, Regional Owner, was presented with the award at the company’s Convention held recently at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort, near Jacksonville, Florida. 

Plant was recognized for outstanding growth and development in an area with a population of less than seven million.  He also achieved the ranking of #3 in franchise sales across North America.

Plant joined EXIT in 2004 as a sales representative with EXIT Realty Matrix in the greater Ottawa area, assuming a management role with the brokerage in 2008.  He acquired the subfranchisor rights to Eastern Ontario in 2015, responsible for expanding EXIT’s footprint across the region. Plans for 2023 include expansion into Ajax, Pickering, Oshawa and Whitby, Ontario as well as increasing market share in the Ottawa area with two new territories in the west end. 

“Over the last twelve months I've learned to be more focused in my approach shifting from a selling strategy to spreading the good news,” said Plant.  “The most important component to franchise sales is a focused one.  With the help of the leadership at EXIT Realty Corp. International, my fellow regional owners across Canada and the US and the support of my amazing franchisees and agents, we will definitely be the strongest and most profitable company in Eastern Ontario.”

“AJ is a true leader, teaching, training and coaching his people to grow in every area including franchise sales, agent growth and per-person productivity,” said Tami Bonnell, Co-Chair, EXIT Realty Corp. International.  “This is a well-earned and well-deserved honour.”

About EXIT Realty: EXIT Realty is a company founded and built on human potential. A full service, forward-thinking, real estate franchisor with offices across North America, EXIT has to-date paid out more than a half a billion dollars in single-level residual income to its associates. A portion of every transaction fee received by EXIT Realty Corp. International is applied to its charitable fund, and to-date, $7 million has been allocated to charity. For more information, please visit www.exitrealty.com and www.joinexitrealty.com.


EXIT Realty Eastern Ontario Named EXIT’s Region of the Year

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Company ProfileEXIT RealtyIndustry: Real Estate Services