RESTON, Va., Dec. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Carahsoft Technology Corp., The Trusted Government IT Solutions Provider®, today announced that it has been awarded a new Department of Defense (DoD) Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) blanket purchase agreement (BPA) in accordance with the company’s General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Schedule contract. This BPA (N66001-21-A-0082) joins Carahsoft’s previous BPAs (N66001-21-A-0031 and N66001-19-A-0120) to extend the DoD’s access to innovative asset management and cybersecurity solutions.
Under the agreements, Carahsoft and authorized reseller partners will jointly provide software, software maintenance support, information technology professional services and training to the DoD, U.S. intelligence community and Coast Guard from the following solutions providers:
BPA N66001-21-A-0082:
BPA N66001-19-A-0120:
BPA N66001-21-A-0031:
“Carahsoft is committed to supporting the DoD and Intelligence Community with access to advanced technologies to protect national security,” said Craig P. Abod, Carahsoft President. “Carahsoft has been a long-standing participant in the ESI program, and we are honored to work with our resellers to serve as a bridge between the needs of Government agencies and the capabilities of the technology community.”
The agreements support the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement and are intended to reduce the contracting and open market costs associated with the traditional procurement process, including searching for sources, developing technical documents and solicitations, negotiating contractual terms, and evaluating offers.
Asset management software solutions are available under Blanket Purchase Agreement N66001-21-A-0082, Blanket Purchase Agreement N66001-19-A-0120 and Blanket Purchase Agreement N66001-21-A-0031 through Carahsoft’s GSA Schedule No. 47QSWA18D008F. For more information, contact the Carahsoft IT Asset Management BPA team at (703) 889-9878 or
About the DoD Enterprise Software Initiative (DoD ESI)
DoD ESI is an official DoD initiative sponsored by the DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) to lead in the establishment and management of enterprise COTS IT agreements, assets, and policies. DoD ESI lowers the total cost of ownership across the DoD, Coast Guard and Intelligence Communities for commercial software, IT hardware, and services.
About Carahsoft
Carahsoft Technology Corp. is The Trusted Government IT Solutions Provider®, supporting Public Sector organizations across Federal, State and Local Government agencies and Education and Healthcare markets. As the Master Government Aggregator® for many of our vendor partners, we deliver solutions for Cybersecurity, MultiCloud, DevSecOps, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Open Source, Customer Experience and more. Working with resellers, systems integrators and consultants, our sales and marketing teams provide industry leading IT products, services and training through hundreds of contract vehicles. Visit us at
Mary Lange
(703) 230-7434