Bloomington, Ind., Jan. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Solution Tree, a leading educational publisher and professional development provider, announced today the launch of Forward FundEDTM a new program that offers long-term professional development support for schools and districts that choose to invest their time-sensitive ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds in one of three plans.
With millions of ESSER I dollars left unspent in 2022, and given that ESSER II and III funds also have designation deadlines (September 30, 2023, for ESSER II and September 30, 2024, for ESSER III), Solution Tree seeks to assist educators in simplifying their spending plan and securing multi-year professional development services at one price point.
“Forward FundED helps busy school leaders navigate the ESSER funding landscape by providing proven, sustained professional development experiences that are customized to meet specific needs,” says Dr. Cameron Rains, executive vice president at Solution Tree. “Each plan offers schools and districts systematic, research-based professional development and ongoing progress monitoring throughout the program.”
This subscription-based professional development model offers three plans–standard, premium, and select–from which school administrators can choose based on their needs and funding.
In addition, Forward FundED offers locked-in pricing on all resources and services for the duration of the purchased plan and ongoing support for educators to implement their plan with fidelity and embed the work into their school culture.
“Forward FundED is the smart investment to make with your ESSER funds,” says Jeffrey C. Jones, chief executive officer of Solution Tree. “Our program simplifies your designation decisions while giving you access to a wide array of resources and services for years to come. Plus, you will have an entire Solution Tree team working with you every step of the way to help identify immediate and long-term needs and how to best use the resources provided in your plan.”
About Solution Tree
For more than 25 years, Solution Tree ( has worked to transform education worldwide, empowering educators to raise student achievement. With more than 50,000 educators attending professional development events and more than 8,000 professional development days in schools each year, Solution Tree helps teachers and administrators confront essential challenges. Solution Tree has a catalog of more than 515 titles, along with hundreds of videos and online courses, and is the creator of Global PD Teams, a team tool that facilitates the work of teachers and educators participating in professional learning communities. Follow @SolutionTree on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.