InvestmentPitch Media Video Discusses Q Battery Metals Preparation for Exploration Programs on its Lithium Projects and VMS Targets in Quebec

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Q Battery Metals (CSE:QMET) (OTCPink:BTKRF) (FSE:0NB), formerly Black Tusk Resources, has provided an update on the exploration targeting on its mineral claims located north of Val d’Or, Quebec, which recently became a new focus due to the potential for lithium mineralization. Management believes the new name is reflective of the company's portfolio of properties in Quebec that are currently being explored for potential lithium, copper, nickel, cobalt, zinc molybdenum, and platinum group elements.

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The company also recently acquired the PegaLith project in Quebec, located approximately 25 kilometres north of Gatineau, Quebec, which cover 636 hectares or 1,571 acres of strong geological and mineralogical indicators for lithium potential. The claims were originally staked to cover part of an extensive belt of granitic and gneissic rocks that host pegmatitic mineralogy.

Preliminary review of the rock sampling results from the 2021 Q Battery Metals work program indicates elevated lithium in the area of the Boily-Berubé mineral showing. The Boily-Berubé mineral showing is documented as being associated with granitic pegmatites. Stripping carried out in 1989 exposed a pegmatitic vein containing molybdenite with some grains of pyrite and traces of chalcopyrite and malachite (GM49151). Several coarse quartz veins were exposed in the area of the showing, with some returning elevated molybdenum and bismuth values (GM16255).

The Lac Fiedmont South mineral showing, on the eastern margin of the Q Battery Metals claims, has similar geology to the Boily-Berubé, including molybdenite hosted in pegmatite.

The table in the video summarizes rock samples from Boily-Berubé that returned elevated lithium. The samples were obtained to test for VMS potential and were not targeted on rocks that might better return lithium results.

Initial review of historic drilling on the La Corne South indicates that pegmatitic rocks were intersected in drilling undertaken by Noranda Inc. in 2004, while they were exploring base metal targets. Not all core was sampled for lithium, but one hole (FIE-15-04-01, report GM62134) where sampling for lithium was undertaken, returned up to 333 ppm lithium at a depth of 186 metres. This drill hole was collared one kilometre northwest of the Boily-Berubé showing.

A summary of lithium results from this 2004 drill hole is provided in the video. The drill hole also returned elevated copper and molybdenum values.

Q Battery Metal's La Corne South Project contacts the La Corne Batholith within the northern section of the claim block. The La Corne Batholith and the volcanic rocks on the margin of the batholith host several well-documented lithium deposits. Of particular significance, approximately 10 kilometres to the north, Sayona Mining Ltd is in the process of restarting the North American Lithium mine, which has a reported proven ore reserve of 1.2 million tonnes of 0.92% Li2O and probable reserve of 28 million tonnes of 0.96% Li2O.

Q Battery Metals is currently planning 2023 exploration programs on their lithium projects as well as continuing to test the best VMS targets outlined on the Mogold and PG Highway claims. Lithium exploration will also be undertaken on the newly acquired PegaLith Project located north of Gatineau.

The shares are trading at $0.15. For more information, please visit the company’s website,, or contact Richard Penn, CEO, at 778-384-8923.

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