Vancouver, Canada, April 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- C-POLAR Technologies is working with major healthcare institutions in the United States, Canada, the UK, and the Middle East to bring their pathogen-eradicating technologies to the forefront of the healthcare industry.
Through its work, C-POLAR Technologies aims for healthcare industries to work together globally through implementing their polymer-based technologies, so different regions are able to access the same level of protective health care.
C-POLAR is working with a hospital in Canada, which is an acute care, teaching and research hospital. They currently have team members on site who are apprenticing the healthcare facilities and working side by side with staff to implement the polymer-based pathogen eradicating materials.
As the Covid-19 pandemic comes to an end, health care professionals have become strikingly aware of the risk of infectious pathogens. As C-POLAR air filters and clothes reduce cross infections through the eradication of air-borne pathogens, this technology can potentially change the environment and safety levels of hospitals. The technology is also reported to reduce readmission rates of people following discharge from hospital.
Another component to cross infection in healthcare settings that C-POLAR technologies is addressing, is transference of pathogens from patient to staff, or patient to patient. They are addressing this problem with the appliance of C-POLAR to personal protective wear (PPW). They manufacture lab coats, hospital gowns, and uniforms, similarly reducing cross infection.
Another solution to this problem is their PBV FFP2 face mask. C-POLAR is applied directly to the mask itself. This means that any pathogens that hit the outer layer will be captured and then eradicated. The prevention of airborne cross infections coupled with pathogen eradicating face masks is changing the environment for healthcare facilities that currently implement C-POLAR technologies.
“By working with virologists in Europe and the Middle East, C-POLAR is now able to expand into these markets, making it available to more healthcare facilities in those regions and worldwide. We need to prevent cross infection, and the way to do that is to change the environment in which we all live and work in. Using C-POLAR protected products is the way to do that,” concludes Anthony Robson, CEO of C-POLAR Ireland.
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Name: Sam Chung