Lleida.net reaches a record in Click&Sign unique users and experiences sustained growth in the electronic signature of contracts

MADRID, Spain, April 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Spanish listed company Lleida.net (OTC.US) (ALLLN.PA) (LLN.MA) registered in March 2023 a new historical record in the number of unique users of its main product, Click&Sign, which allows the certified electronic signature of contracts and any other type of documents.

As of March 2023, the number of active Click&Sign circuits via API reached 1,090. This number has been increasing month by month since March 2019, when it was just 116.

These circuits generated 273,327 contracts in March 2023, 34.30% more than in the same month of 2022.

The growth of unique service users has remained increasing and stable for more than 30 months, which certifies the strength of Lleida.net's technology and its level of market penetration.

"The steady growth in the number of unique Click & Sign users month after month demonstrates the strength and validity of our technology. This sustained increase in the adoption of our services reinforces our customers' confidence in the efficiency and security we offer, and consolidates our position as a leader in the electronic signature sector," explained Sisco Sapena, CEO and founder of the company.

On a quarterly basis, API's signed contract production continued to trend upward, with 741,541 contracts signed in the first quarter of 2023, compared to 549,670 signed in the first quarter of 2022.

Most of the traffic came from contracts in the telecommunications sector, real estate lending in Europe, bank account opening and consumer finance in Latin America.

Increase in Click & Sign PRO service

Regarding Click & Sign Pro's quarterly production, the so-called PRO circuits, which involve complex engagements that require analysis of multiple variables, saw a three percent increase between the first quarter of 2023 and the same period in 2022.

In the first quarter of 2023, there were 286,228 active contracts, compared to 278,009 in the first quarter of 2022.

European insurance contracts, credit card issuance by Spanish entities and GDPR compliance, mainly drove this growth.

Although the total number of certified emails launched thanks to the company's technology declined in the first quarter of the year as a result of the cut-off of service due to non-payment to 4-72, the postal company in Colombia, this decline was mitigated by the organic growth of the business line in countries such as Spain and Peru.

The number of active certified email users in March 2023 stood at 2,115 senders.

In the first quarter, more than three million certified emails were sent via Lleida.net's proprietary platform, compared to 4.08 million in the first quarter of 2022.

One of the service lines that remains solid and stable is that of Certified SMS, which remains above the figures recorded a year ago. In the first quarter of 2023, the company's customers issued 1.85 million Certified SMS, compared to 1.69 million in the first quarter of 2022.

Banking, insurance and mutual assistance companies, as well as claims processes by energy companies, have been the main drivers.

Lleida.net's new services grow by almost 800%.

In the first quarter of 2023, the subsidiary of the company Lleidanet PKI, an evolution of the former Indenova, which was acquired by the listed company in 2021, issued more than 4.1 million times stamps on behalf of its customers.

Time stamps, which are usually additional signatures to other electronic signatures, are used in the transactions of large companies. Since the service was launched in the first quarter of 2022, its use has multiplied by 800% and is one of the fastest growing.

In the last quarter, the company began marketing its most recent product, called USVC. This new B2C product allows verifying the validity of any certified electronic signature, regardless of the platform used to issue it. The company expects USVC to reach higher production levels than certified mail itself.

The company, founded in 1995 and listed on Euronext Growth in Paris, BME Growth in Madrid and OTCQX in New York, has already obtained recognition in 300 patents worldwide in more than 60 countries.



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