BEAMSVILLE, Ontario, May 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recent claims by health advocates blaming flavoured e-cigarettes for the rise in youth vaping are unfounded and lack proper context. The real issue is the lack of enforcement of the illicit trade and individuals buying for minors. The is a direct correlation between vaping adoption rates and steep declines in smoking rates. Survey’s consistently find that youth vape primarily out of curiosity, for nicotine and to deal with stress and anxiety. This is likely why there is no implementation data to support that flavour bans are effective in reducing youth vaping rates. Any data to suggest that flavour bans could be effective is based solely off theoretical surveys.
Organizations like the Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) continue to educate elected Members of Parliament on the benefits of vaping for smokers and in support of small businesses. The CVA welcomes meaningful and direct dialogue with health organizations to engage in common sense policies that will protect youth and the health outcomes of millions of Canadian smokers.
“The CVA stands by its position that flavours are not the cause of youth vaping. The problem is the sale of vaping products to minors through the black-market and straw sale. The industry has taken a proactive approach by implementing stringent age verification measures for our membership and are actively working with law enforcement to prevent such sales.
“I will be reaching out to all the health advocacy groups to extend an invitation to form a working group. Our intention is to work together to address these complex issues and find practical and enforceable solutions. Canadians deserve to have all stakeholders working together for the betterment of public health,” said Darryl Tempest, Government Relations Counsel to the CVA Board.
The health and well-being of our youth is of utmost importance. However, many health organizations have failed to appropriately weigh the impact of these policies on the health of adult who smoke. The CVA strongly believes that policies must be evidence-based and consider the interests of all stakeholders.
The CVA encourages health organizations to work with industry leaders and regulatory bodies to find common sense policies that will protect our youth while supporting the health outcomes of adults battling addiction. The CVA remains committed to engaging in meaningful dialogue and finding solutions that work for all Canadians.
For more information, please contact the Canadian Vaping Association at
About the Canadian Vaping Association: The CVA is a registered national, not-for-profit organization, established as the voice for the Canadian vaping industry. Founded in 2014, the CVA represents Canadian vaping businesses. The CVA does not accept membership of funding from tobacco companies or affiliates. The association is a liaison with the federal and provincial governments on all legislative and regulatory issues.