MILAN, Italy, May 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In the current market environment, "the return of interest rates to positive levels and inflation are big news, something we haven't seen for years". This was stated by Saverio Perissinotto, CEO of Eurizon and Vice-President of Assogestioni, at the Salone del Risparmio at MiCo, Milan Convention Center. Here, the Intesa Sanpaolo Group company organised a conference entitled 'Geopolitical tensions, inflation, monetary policies: Investment strategies for the future?'.
"In this context, Eurizon is looking very carefully at the entire fixed income segment, the bond portion, with various investment solutions”, Perissinotto explained, adding: "On the equity side, we should not forget that the markets are not that far from the highs, so we think that gradual risk accumulation and gradual risk decumulation strategies are the best option to pursue at this time".
At Assogestioni, Perissinotto also chairs the Financial Education Committee, and he spoke at the closing conference of the Salone, entitled 'Saving beyond the crisis: Leading investors towards conscious choices', which focused on the theme of financial education. The Censis presentation on the state of the art of financial education painted a picture of a country, Perissinotto explained, "with a rather high level of 'miseducation'. Italy is a country with a huge stock of savings, which very often is not well allocated". It is therefore necessary "to be more financially educated, more aware of investment choices, and it is also extremely important to be more familiar with basic concepts such as compound interest, the effect of inflation, and risk-return". Eurizon, "within the Assogestioni environment, gives its contribution as an industry partner to try to bring home a project that allows us to have greater awareness and greater knowledge with these issues”, Perissinotto added.
During the conference, Perissinotto noted that “the various players at the level of institutions, industry operators and associations are committed to improving these aspects" and "now, in particular with the ‘Decreto Capitali' [package of reforms aimed at facilitating capital market financing; ed.], financial education is becoming a subject of study, and this is fundamental". Eurizon's CEO went on to stress that "the real wealth still lies in culture: the more knowledgeable and cultured you are, the more you are able to make informed choices", concluding that “we, as an industry, must provide not only skills but also a disciplined investment process. It is important not to get caught up in emotionalism”.
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