Quarterly Activities Report

for the three months ended 30 June 2023
(figures are unaudited and in A$ except where stated)

TORONTO, July 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

June 2023 Quarter Highlights

During the quarter ending 30 June 2023 (June Quarter), Xanadu Mines Ltd (Xanadu or the Company) ramped up to full scale the Pre-Feasibility (PFS) programme and Discovery Exploration activities at our flagship Kharmagtai copper-gold project, funded by US$35 million cash from the Joint Venture (JV or Khuiten JV) with Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. (Zijin). Significant progress was made in both PFS and Exploration, on schedule and budget, building tangible value at Kharmagtai. The Company released its third annual Sustainability Report for 2022 and held a successful Annual General Meeting (AGM). Importantly Xanadu’s share price saw a material positive rerating during the period which the Company considers reflects market recognition of Kharmagtai de-risking, and the significance of the positive steps taken thus far to both enhance the project and to move the project further along the path to production.

PFS Infill Drilling Programme

  • Excellent results delivered from a 4 diamond drill rig program, with grades on the most part better or in line with the 2021 Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE).
    • Significant extensions to high-grade mineralisation identified at Stockwork Hill.1
    • New high-grade copper-gold zone (core) emerging at White Hill.2  
  • New >1% CuEq cores at Stockwork Hill and White Hill demonstrate potential to enhance the 2021 MRE (3Mt copper and 8Moz gold [1.98Mt CuEq Indicated, 2.33Mt CuEq Inferred]). 3
  • Approximately 27,000m of Phase One infill drilling completed (out of 30,000m total) at both the Stockwork Hill and White Hill deposits, putting Xanadu on track for MRE upgrade by Q4 CY2023.

PFS Data Acquisition and Studies

  • Sulphide (main orebody) metallurgical test-work is rapidly advancing at ALS laboratories in Perth and TruTRC laboratories in Ulaanbaatar; both flotation and comminution testing is well advanced, results expected Q4 CY2023.
  • Oxide (currently treated as mineralised waste) metallurgical samples delivered to MPS laboratories in Perth for assessment of glycine leach technologies and processing route selection; first results expected Q1 CY2024.
  • Hydrological drilling programme to commence in Q3 CY2023.
  • Construction of camp upgrades, core process facility and grid power connection are all proceeding on time and budget, with delivery on-track for Q4 CY2023.
  • Outcomes from Water Reserve study, Power Supply selection, Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) location and design, and other supporting surface infrastructure requirements expected Q1 CY2024.
  • Kharmagtai PFS including maiden Ore Reserve are on-track for Q3 CY2024.

Discovery Drilling Programme

  • Aggressive 18,000m growth-focussed exploration drilling programme (2 diamond drill rigs) underway for New Discoveries at Kharmagtai.
  • Deep exploration drilling is advancing, targeting high-grade, large-scale mineralisation at depth.
  • New shallow discoveries made across three largely unexplored porphyry clusters, intersecting both high-density stockwork, breccia mineralisation and gold only mineralisation; follow up drill testing planned.4


  • Kharmagtai PFS and Discovery Exploration funded by US$35M from the Khuiten JV with Zijin Mining Group5; with US$26.8 million in cash on 30 June 2023.
  • Announced an updated 3-horizon strategy including Horizon 1 PFS, Horizon 2 Discovery, and Horizon 3 Portfolio Growth.6
  • Third annual Sustainability Report for 2022 released.7   
  • Successful AGM held; all resolutions passing with >90% shareholder support.8
  • Xanadu is well-funded, with A$5.1 million in cash at 30 June 2023.

Executive Chairman & Managing Director, Colin Moorhead, said: “The June quarter was an exciting time for getting back to what we do best; de risking and advancing our flagship Kharmagtai project towards Final Investment Decision (FID). Following an official site visit and kick-off with Zijin in March, the Kharmagtai PFS work programme ramped up. It was great to see the PFS infill and exploration drilling start, with six rigs operating in the field, drilled core passing through the shed efficiently and assay samples flowing to the lab in Ulaanbaatar. Pleasingly this was achieved by our site team and contractors without any significant safety or environmental incidents, and on time and budget. As the Quarter progressed, we saw assay results which the Company reported to the Market as in line with our Resource or better than expected. I am particularly encouraged by the emergence of a potential higher-grade zone at White Hill, something we have long suspected but not seen until now. Effective progress was made on metallurgical test-work, geotechnical engineering, hydrology, and other areas, and we look forwarding to sharing those results as they come to hand.

It was also very pleasing to see discovery exploration recommence at Kharmagtai, testing both shallow and deeper targets, with a focus on grade. Our geology team has developed a good set of shallow targets, centred on largely unexplored porphyry clusters, that have potential to host additional open pit material. These need to be ruled in or out to help inform the PFS both as potential Resource and to sterilise potential sites for planned infrastructure. Our deep targets have been modelled on analogues of the deeper deposits seen at Oyu Tolgoi, and we are very excited to be testing these. The success of deeper exploration could be transformational for all stakeholders.

Elsewhere our exploration team continued target generation work at Red Mountain following an extensive trenching exercise there last year. The team are also actively reviewing other project opportunities in Mongolia.

At a Corporate level, the Company held its AGM in May, and I would like to thank our shareholders for their support. We also recently published our third Sustainability Report, documenting ESG performance and our updated Company Strategy; this is a highly relevant document that I recommend to all our stakeholders.”

Kharmagtai Copper-Gold Project Update

During the June Quarter, the Company aggressively progressed its PFS Programme including operational site construction upgrade works (see Appendix 1) and Discovery Exploration activities (see Appendix 2) which are funded by US$35 million from the JV with Zijin. Xanadu is operator of the joint venture during the PFS delivery period of 18 months, after which Zijin will become operator for final engineering, construction, and operations delivery.

With the PFS incorporating both the upcoming Resource Upgrade and the upside opportunities discussed in Appendix 1, Xanadu and Zijin have confidence for a real and sustained uplift relative to the Scoping Study economics.

PFS Deliverables & Schedule
During the PFS, Xanadu and its partner Zijin will complete all major project trade-off decisions and refine capital and operating cost estimates to +/-25%, leading to selection of a single go-forward option for final engineering and construction. PFS, Resource and Reserve outcomes will be reported to international requirements consistent with JORC and NI43-101 standards.

The timeline for the PFS is broken into four key stages, followed by FID in Q4 CY2024.

  • Stage 1 – Data Acquisition (Q2-Q3 CY2023)
  • Stage 2 – Trade-Off Studies & Resource Upgrade (Q4 CY2023)
  • Stage 3 – Convergent Study (Q1-Q2 CY2024)
  • Stage 4 – PFS Completion & Maiden Ore Reserve (Q3 CY2024)

The current Data Acquisition stage is tracking on time and within budget, recognising this as the primary data collection step for Kharmagtai prior to production. Data Acquisition stage focus areas include the following.

  • Infill Drilling for Resource Upgrade
  • Metallurgical Test-Work focused on the main orebody sulphide material
  • Metallurgical Test-Work focused on oxide material, currently treated as waste
  • Water Reserve Studies and Drilling
  • Tailings Storage location and construction material studies
  • Power Supply studies
  • System Optimisation incorporating mine and process technology scenarios
  • Environmental and socioeconomic baseline studies
  • Waste rock and tailings geochemistry

Infill Drilling & Resource Update

Four diamond drill rigs are now in operation at Kharmagtai with a primary strategy to target areas with potential for future Mineral Resource to Ore Reserve conversion. Phase One infill drilling is specifically targeting areas for growing the Indicated Resource. Later phases of infill drilling will be a combination of closing out any further Resource infill knowledge gaps and following up high-grade extensions at Stockwork Hill and the newly identified White Hill high-grade core.

An upgraded Resource is expected to be released in Q4 CY2023 once all assays have been received and resource modelling has been completed. This Resource will enable Xanadu to start economic trade-off studies and will be supplemented by subsequent PFS study scheduled for completion during Q4 CY2024.

Approximately 27,000m of Phase One diamond drilling has been completed (out of 30,000m total) at both the Stockwork Hill and White Hill deposits, at Kharmagtai. All drill data can be found in Appendix 3.

Discovery Exploration Update

Results from Phase One Shallow Discovery Exploration drilling have been encouraging and highlight the potential for new deposits and are consequently informing more appropriate infrastructure locations. Follow-up drill testing planned has been planned for high priority targets, and we expect to uncover more as we continue through the planned programme.  

Phase One Deep Discovery Exploration recently commenced, and we will share material results as they become available. Furthermore, we look forward to sharing a comprehensive progress update on the Deep exploration discovery programme later this year once we’ve completed a good portion of Phase One drilling.

Corporate Activity

During the Quarter, Xanadu outlined an updated corporate strategy, released its third annual Sustainability Report for 2022 and held its Annual General Meeting.

Three Horizon Strategy

Xanadu outlined a three-horizon strategy to deliver shareholder value (Figure 1)9 These are described below:

  • Horizon 1 – Kharmagtai PFS Value: Uplift Kharmagtai value by de-risking the project and delivering on project upside opportunities.
  • Horizon 2 – Discovery Value: Deliver significant new discovery via exploration at Kharmagtai and Red Mountain.
  • Horizon 3 – Position for Future: Build a portfolio of future facing metals projects through exploration and acquisition.

Xanadu’s Three Horizon Strategy (10)

Figure 1: Xanadu’s Three Horizon Strategy10

Sustainability Report

On 4 May 2023, Xanadu issued its third annual Sustainability Report for 2022, highlighting our commitment to responsible and transparent ESG.11 This report further expanded disclosure and continued Xanadu’s ESG journey to be a leader in sustainable exploration.

Annual General Meeting

Xanadu’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 29 May 2023 with resolutions including the following:

  • Re-election of Director, Mr. Ganbayar Lkhagvasuren
  • Re-election of Director, Mr Shaoyang Shen
  • Remuneration Report
  • Ratification of Prior Issue of Shares on 24 January 2023

All resolutions were passed with “For” votes between 90.1% and 99.0%.12

September 2023 Quarter Planned Activities

Key activities planned during the quarter ending 30 September 2023 (September Quarter) include:

  • Infill drilling for the Kharmagtai PFS including, Metallurgy and Geotechnical.
  • Kharmagtai Water Reserve Drilling Commencement
  • Investigation of Scoping Study Uplift Scenarios.
  • Substantially complete the construction of new core shed, site accommodation and power grid connections at Kharmagtai.
  • Continued Shallow and Deep Discovery Exploration drilling programmes.
  • Shallow Exploration Drill Assay Results
  • Deep Exploration Drill Assay Results

Results of Operations


 50% Ownership of Khuiten
Metals Pte Ltd 1
100% Ownership of Khuiten
Metals Pte Ltd
 Quarter Ended
 30 Jun
 31 Mar
31 Dec
30 Sep
30 Jun
JV: Gross Exploration Expenditure1      
Drill metres2
Gross Exploration Expenditure      
Red Mountain
Drill metres3




Exploration expenditures capitalised324 2946631,0921,257
Corporate general and administration2,7125 1,2671,0951,0421,641
Less JV Operator Overhead recovery   
Net Corporate general and administration1,712 1,267   
  1. The Company issued new shares in its subsidiary Khuiten Metals Pte Ltd (Khuiten) on the 10th of March as part of the Zijin Strategic Partnership for consideration of US$35M.   This transaction reduces the Company’s shareholding from 100% to 50% in Khuiten, and in effect loss of majority control. The March and June Qtr 2023 results above are presented on the basis of the treatment of the investment of Khuiten as a 50% JV under the equity accounting method (i.e., the Khuiten operational results are not included on consolidation). The prior period quarters have not been restated.
  2. Reflects invoiced metres paid during the quarter under drilling contract. Physical metres drilled during the quarter may vary due to invoice timing.
  3. Excludes horizontal trenching metres.
  4. Excludes Kharmagtai JV Gross exploration expenditure no longer consolidated in the Company’s results.
  5. Includes success fee of AUD$753k paid to Jeffries in April 2023 following completion of Khuiten JV with Zijin.
  6. As operator of Khuiten JV, the operator overheads are recoverable in accordance with the Shareholders Joint Venture Agreement.


Capital Structure

On 30 June 2023, the Company had 1,637,824,191 fully paid ordinary shares and 121,860,000 options over ordinary shares on issue and approximately A$5.1 million in cash. The Khuiten JV, which controls the Kharmagtai project, had US$26.8 million in cash available to progress the Kharmagtai PFS and exploration.

Share Price Query

On 19 June 2023, Xanadu received a query from ASX with regards to significant trading volume and upwards movement of its share price. The Company responded that there was no material information being held and that it was not aware of any explanation for the recent trading other than the response to its drilling results announcement on 7 June and general market conditions and interest in copper related stocks.13

ASX Announcements

This June 2023 Quarterly Activities Report contains information reported in accordance with the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code, 2012) in the following announcements.

  • 8 December 2021 – Kharmagtai Resource Grows to 1.1 Billion Tonnes, Containing 3Mt Cu and 8Moz Au
  • 6 April 2022 – Scoping Study – Kharmagtai Copper-Gold Project
  • 20 June 2022 - NI 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment Technical Report
  • 29 December 2021 – Investment Deal Signed with Zijin – Pathway to Production
  • 13 April 2023 – Kharmagtai Pre-Feasibility Drilling Off to a Flying Start
  • 27 April 2023 – Notice of Annual General Meeting
  • 4 May 2023 – Sustainability Report 2022
  • 16 May 2023 - RIU Sydney Resources Roundup Presentation
  • 23 May 2023 – High Impact Drilling Programme at Kharmagtai
  • 29 May 2023 – Results of 2023 Annual General Meeting
  • 7 June 2023 – New Higher-Grade Zones Found in Kharmagtai Infill Drilling
  • 19 June 2023 – Response to Price Query
  • 5 July 2023 – Shallow Drilling Confirms Kharmagtai Potential
  • 19 July 2023 – New High-Grade Copper-Gold Zone Emerging at White Hill

About Xanadu Mines

Xanadu is an ASX and TSX listed Exploration company operating in Mongolia. We give investors exposure to globally significant, large-scale copper-gold discoveries and low-cost inventory growth. Xanadu maintains a portfolio of exploration projects and remains one of the few junior explorers on the ASX or TSX who jointly control a globally significant copper-gold deposit in our flagship Kharmagtai project.

Location of Xanadu Projects in the South Gobi region of Mongolia

Figure 11: Location of Xanadu Projects in the South Gobi region of Mongolia

For information on Xanadu visit: www.xanadumines.com.

For further information on Xanadu, please visit: www.xanadumines.com or contact:

Colin Moorhead
Executive Chairman & Managing Director
E: colin.moorhead@xanadumines.com
P: +61 2 8280 7497
Spencer Cole
Chief Financial & Development Officer
E: spencer.cole@xanadumines.com
P: +61 2 8280 7497

This Announcement was authorised for release by Xanadu’s Board of Directors.

APPENDIX 1: Kharmagtai Project Development

Building on a Successful Scoping Study / PEA

The 2022 Scoping Study confirmed Kharmagtai as a potential world class, low-cost, long life mine with an estimated 20% IRR (range 16-25%), US$630 million NPV at 8% (range US$ 405-850 million) and 4-year payback (range 4-7 years) over 30-year life of mine. This included first quartile all in sustaining costs and projected production ranges from 30-50ktpa copper and 50-110kozpa gold production during the first five years. It is based on a JORC compliant Mineral Resource of 1.1 billion tonnes containing 3 million tonnes of copper, 8 million tonnes of gold, including 100 million tonnes of higher-grade zones at > 0.8% copper equivalent grade.

Geometallurgical Data Acquisition - Building a ‘Total Ore Deposit Knowledge Model’

Xanadu are using cutting edge technology to acquire accurate and consistent data for the PFS. All drill core is being run through two Boxscan devices that scan the drill core to acquire ultra high-resolution imagery, laser scan topology, short-wave infrared data and magnetic susceptibility. With this dataset, advanced machine learning algorithms are logging the drill core for rock type, alteration, sulphide distribution (size and shape), rock quality data (RQD), vein types and densities, mineralogical composition as well as taking structural measurements. These data are being used to build a consolidated geological, geometallurgical and geotechnical domain model, for input into the PFS and aimed at positioning the future Kharmagtai mine for operational readiness.

Metallurgical Test-work & Analysis

Previous studies of the Kharmagtai copper gold deposit indicated that a conventional copper porphyry flowsheet is appropriate to process material from the sulphide portion of the Resource.14

A comprehensive set of programmes are currently underway, in parallel with metallurgical evaluation to:

  • Prepare a geometallurgical domain model to support the development of process plant design parameters.
  • Evaluate all key geometallurgical domains to determine optimal process flow sheet and plant design.
  • Perform detailed metallurgical test-work to characterise grind, hardness, flotation, leach and other chemical and physical processing characteristics within each domain.
  • Define concentrate product characteristics from the proposed plant design.

Sulphide Program

The sulphide metallurgical test-work programme is investigating flotation, comminution, mineralogy, Eriez Hydrofloat, flash flotation and magnetic separation.

The sulphide flotation programme comprising 102 samples selected by deposit, alteration and sulphide occurrence, is being conducted at ILAC and ISO9001:2015 certified True TRC laboratory in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. It includes three aspects, a) master composite, b) variability samples, and c) miscellaneous other tests. Composite assays, prior to flotation test, have been shown alignment to grades predicted by the Resource database.

The sulphide comminution programme comprises 30 samples selected by deposit and alteration, with test-work being conducted by ALS laboratories in Perth. The programme will include Bond ball mill and rod mill work indices, abrasion index and SMC testing. All these results and point load testing will be used to model the future grinding circuit, enable equipment selection and predict key operating costs. Orway Mineral Consultants will undertake further comminution circuit design and optimisation.

The sulphide mineralogy programme comprising 97 samples is being conducted by Geo Logic in Tasmania. Its purpose is to better understand the copper speciation by domain, to better inform our stockpiling and processing strategy and associated schedules.

Coarse particle (>150 micron) sulphide flotation effectiveness will be investigated via the Eriez Hydrofloat separation technology, using product delivered from the comminution work being completed at ALS. This will provide key information to evaluate coarse particle flotation, one of the upsides identified during the Scoping Study which could add material value to the project.

Flash flotation testing of sulphide material will also be undertaken at True TRC, by running six tests at 150 micron, 250 micron and 350 micron grind sizes. If proven appropriate for Kharmagtai ore, this could reduce both overgrinding and recovery loss for liberated free ground minerals. Results will be forwarded to Outotec Pty Ltd for evaluating its feasibility.

Magnetic separation testing will also be undertaken at True TRC laboratory in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Purpose of this test-work is primarily aimed to reduce fines and deliver a more optimised concentrate grade.

Oxide Programme

The oxide programme will follow up on promising, initial sighter test-work conducted at MPS Perth, during the Scoping Study. Programme is aimed at conducting a detailed investigation into the feasibility of glycine-cyanide leach for the recovery of gold and copper from this partially oxidised material, which is not amenable to flotation.

The PFS programme will investigate both heap and tank leaching, using a glycine-cyanide reagent blend at MPS laboratories in Perth. Initially, one sample will be selected, and various combinations of reagent schemes will be tested. Once a successful scheme is selected, an additional three samples will be tested, which will determine a preferred approach and appropriate processing design at a PEA level of confidence. A second stage to reach PFS levels of confidence may commence but will not be completed until sometime after Q3 CY2024.


Metallurgical test results will be reported in Q4 CY2023 for sulphide flotation and comminution, and in Q1 CY2024 for leaching of partially oxidised material.

Water Reserve Studies

A water reserve study and associated exploration drilling are underway in key basins near Kharmagtai. The programme aims to prove up water reserves consistent with the ultimate operating requirements scoped in the 2022 Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) of 400 litres per second flowrate following the expansion to 30Mtpa processing throughput in year 5 of operation.15 This work includes benchmarking comparable operations in Mongolia, including Oyu Tolgoi, for achievable water recycle and reviewing options to improve on that for the Kharmagtai design.

Both experienced Mongolian and international hydrogeologists have been engaged to develop and help execute these studies and exploration.

Initial mobilisation of water drill rigs will take place in August 2023. Water Reserve outcomes will be reported in Q1 CY2024.

Tailings Storage Facility

Initial location, design concept, and construction material studies will be undertaken by Knight Piesold to understand key infrastructure, construction materials and sterilisation drilling requirements. TSF will be designed to international standards. Knight Piesold are an internationally recognised TSF specialist firm with recent project experience in Mongolia.

Initial supporting infrastructure design and layout, including TSF, will be reported in Q1 CY2024.

Power Supply

Power supply studies will include evaluation of primary supply from the Mongolian power generators, dedicated on-site conventional generation, and purchase of power supplied directly from Inner Mongolia, China. The study will also evaluate the appropriate usage of dedicated renewable power and battery storage that will maximise the use of green energy for the project while ensuring operational stability.

Power supply study outcomes will be reported in Q1 CY2024.

System Optimisation

During the current phase of study, Whittle Consulting is undertaking analysis to determine the potential impacts on the PEA model for the following factors:

  • Up-to-date grade, recovery and material characteristics by domain, to refine and optimise the mine plan and stockpiling requirements;
  • Mining technology scenarios including trolley assist with diesel-electric trucks, full electrification, semi-mobile in pit crush and convey (IPCC) and automated haulage systems, to reduce cost and increase productivity; and
  • Processing technology scenarios incorporating PEA level assumptions to understand the system-wide impact of coarse particle flotation and grind size to reduce unit power consumption.

With this information, Xanadu will determine the potential scale and impact of the PEA uplift scenarios and whether modified infill drilling, metallurgical testing and sterilisation drilling may be necessary to enable those uplifts during the PFS.

Once the updated Resource and new metallurgical test-work is delivered, a second cycle of System Optimisation will be undertaken. This will also support Trade-Off Studies decisions, optimise pit shapes and support process flow sheet design for the Convergent Study.

Initial optimisation results will be reported during Q3 CY2023, with final optimisation results during Q1 CY2024.

Environmental and Socio-Economic Baseline Studies

The Environmental baseline studies scope is designed to assess the current environmental conditions and potential impacts of the project throughout the project lifecycle. The programme includes comprehensive literature review of existing information, as well as field surveys to gather primary data on flora, fauna, water quality, soil sampling and air quality monitoring.

Post data acquisition, environmental experts will analyse and evaluate potential impacts on both short-term and long-term basis.

Waste Rock and Tailings Geochemical Characterisation

Waste rock and tailings geochemical test-work and characterisation will evaluate the environmental impacts of potential acid mine drainage for the project. This scope involves a comprehensive assessment of the geochemical properties of waste rock and tailings. The test-work focuses on understanding the composition and potential risks associated with waste by-products from the minerals extraction process and appropriate disposal methods.  

The tailings geochemical test-work and characterisation scope involves collecting representative samples of tailings and analysis to assess the potential for acid generation and metal leaching from the tailings. This will enable a Tailings Management Facility design that eliminates detrimental environmental impacts. Characterisation will also involve evaluating the physical properties, such as grain size distribution and compaction, to determine the appropriate methods for tailings storage and management. Additionally, the geochemical test-work may assist in understanding the potential for reprocessing or reclamation of valuable metals from the tailings, contributing to the economic evaluation of the mining project.

Stage 2 - Trade-Off Studies

All major design decisions are made during the PFS to select a single go-forward design. Key areas that will require option evaluation, include:

  • Mining Design & Engineering – includes scale and sequencing of the pits and stockpiling requirements based on the new Resource, mining technology, mining rate and equipment selection.
  • Process Design & Engineering – includes flow sheet selection, process technology, processing rates and scale, and alternate process streams such as oxide leaching.
  • Tailings Storage Facility – includes location, shape, construction materials, and water recovery technology.
  • Non-Process Infrastructure – includes location of all facilities, power supply source and mix, water supply and mix, and alignment to business operating strategy, concentrate logistics including use of nearby rail.
  • Environmental Studies & Permitting – includes baseline studies and reports to progress toward environmental impact assessments and other approvals.

Trade-Off Studies will be largely complete and reported to the market in Q1 CY2024.

Stage 3 - Convergent Engineering

Once a single go-forward design is selected, sufficient engineering will be undertaken to reach +/-25% confidence level for capital and operating costs, with appropriate levels of contingency for each area, enabling a Qualified Person to sign off on each major project area. This process will include both internal peer reviews and full independent expert reviews, the latter of which are provided directly to the Khuiten JV Board to ensure study findings are at PFS standard with no potential fatal flaws.

Convergent Engineering will be completed by the end of Q2 CY2024.

Stage 4 - PFS Completion

Key outputs of the PFS will include reports and Ore Reserves stated to both JORC and NI43-101 standards. These reports will be published in Q3 CY2024.

Upon completion of the PFS, the Khuiten Metals Joint Venture Board, comprising members from both Xanadu and Zijin, will consider findings and make a Financial Investment Decision (FID). This is also referred to as “Decision to Mine” or “Decision to Construct”. A ‘yes’ decision at this stage confirms intention to fund, complete final Feasibility Engineering, undertake long lead time orders, and commence construction.

Kharmagtai Operational Upgrades

During the Quarter, Xanadu commenced operational upgrades at Kharmagtai to further modernise its core processing, power supply and employee work environment (Figure 2). These upgrades are proceeding on time and budget, with delivery on track for Q4 CY2023. They include:

  • Grid Power – 35kV connection to support studies, ongoing exploration and construction;
  • Core Processing Facility – upgrade and replace old facility for use through life of mine;
  • Accommodation – addition of ~30 beds in a modern facility;
  • Greenhouse – employs locals to provide long term, locally sourced food for employees; and
  • Water Filtration – enables site to reduce use of bottled water and creation of plastic waste.

Clockwise from Top Left – Core Processing Facility, Greenhouse, Drinking Water Filtration System, 35kV Grid Power Supply

Figure 2. Clockwise from Top Left – Core Processing Facility, Greenhouse, Drinking Water Filtration System, 35kV Grid Power Supply

APPENDIX 2: High-Impact Discovery Exploration Program at Kharmagtai

Aggressive 18,000m growth and discovery drill discovery programme underway. Discovery exploration program includes two additional diamond drill rigs.

  • 1x diamond rig will drill 8,000m in Phase 1 of deep exploration program targeting high-grade, large-scale mineralisation at depth in an analogue to Oyu Tolgoi. Additional 6,000m in Phase 2 is pending Phase 1 results.
  • 1x diamond rig will drill 10,000m of shallow holes, targeting open pit style resources in five unexplored porphyry clusters within the wider Kharmagtai district

Large-Scale Exploration Programme at Depth

Existing geochemical, geological, and geophysical datasets point to known mineralisation at Kharmagtai (1.1Bt containing 3Mt Cu & 8Moz Au)16 which represents a shallow surface expression of a much larger porphyry system at depth (Figures 3 and 4).

Long Sections through the Oyu Tolgoi Porphyry System and The Kharmagtai Porphyry System. Deep high-grade exploration drill program geochemical zonation points to much larger system beneath Kharmagtai. (17)

Figure 3: Long Sections through the Oyu Tolgoi Porphyry System and The Kharmagtai Porphyry System. Deep high-grade exploration drill program geochemical zonation points to much larger system beneath Kharmagtai.17

Kharmagtai copper-gold district showing currently defined mineral deposits and planned deep exploration holes. (18)

Figure 4: Kharmagtai copper-gold district showing currently defined mineral deposits and planned deep exploration holes.18

Shallow Exploration Drilling

Shallow exploration drilling at Kharmagtai is targeting additional porphyry copper-gold deposits outside the currently defined MRE volume. This programme also serves to inform future infrastructure location decisions associated with the potential development of the Kharmagtai Project into a large-scale mining operation. Approximately 3,400m (of 10,000m planned) has been completed to date in fifteen holes, with several new shallow discoveries made across three largely unexplored porphyry clusters (Figure 5).

Kharmagtai copper-gold district showing currently defined mineral deposits and planned and completed shallow exploration drill holes. Blue outlines are 2021 scoping study open pit designs and white dashed outlines define porphyry cluster target areas. (19)

Figure 5: Kharmagtai copper-gold district showing currently defined mineral deposits and planned and completed shallow exploration drill holes. Blue outlines are 2021 scoping study open pit designs and white dashed outlines define porphyry cluster target areas.19

At Cluster One (Figure 5), drilling targeted surface copper anomalism and outcropping porphyry veining. Drill Hole KHDDH589 intercepted a broad zone of low-grade porphyry mineralisation from surface, suggesting the hole has passed over and to the north of a potential shallow porphyry. Drill hole KHDDH589 returned:20

Hole IDInterval (m)Cu (%)Au (g/t)CuEq (%)From (m)

Drilling is planned to test behind this intercept for higher-grade material at Cluster One.

Drilling at Cluster Two (Figure 5) targeted previous shallow porphyry stockwork mineralisation and was prioritised given the area is adjacent to existing planned open pits and planned infrastructure. Drill hole KHDDH590 targeted a previous porphyry intercept and encountered a broad zone of low-grade porphyry mineralisation with an additional high-grade gold intercept near end of hole (EOH).17

Hole IDInterval (m)Cu (%)Au (g/t)CuEq (%)From (m)

The copper gold ratio of these intercepts and nature of mineralisation is similar to the nearby Southern Stockwork Zone at Stockwork Hill, with additional drilling to be planned as this appears to be on the edge of a potentially shallow, mineralised porphyry.

A total 4 diamond drill holes were completed at Cluster 4 with no significant results returned.

APPENDIX 3: Kharmagtai Infill Drilling

Drill collars and assay results for infill drilling are outlined in Figure 6 and Appendix 4.

Kharmagtai copper-gold district showing currently defined mineral deposits and planned Phase One Resource infill drill holes. (21)

Figure 6: Kharmagtai copper-gold district showing currently defined mineral deposits and planned Phase One Resource infill drill holes.21

Significantly, drill hole KHDDH594, drilled into the central portion of Stockwork Hill, has encountered higher-grade zones of tourmaline breccia mineralisation (Figure 7, Table 1) adding vertical extension to known higher grade zones. Principally, drilling intercepted a highly encouraging zone grading 34m @ 1.10% Cu and 0.10g/t Au (1.15% CuEq) from 285m, significantly exceeding the 2021 MRE block model prediction for 0.3% CuEq mineralisation. This intercept is approximately 120m above the closest high-grade tourmaline breccia drilled in this area, highlighting potential for significant grade boosts relative to the existing MRE. Additional drilling is now planned to test for further extensions of these higher-grade zones and aimed for inclusion in the upcoming MRE update.

Cross section through the Stockwork Hill deposit showing drill hole KHDDH594. (22)

Figure 7: Cross section through the Stockwork Hill deposit showing drill hole KHDDH594.22

Table 1: Several holes encountered materially better grade relative to resource grade. Significant drill intersections from Stockwork Hill, include:23

Hole IDInterval (m)Cu (%)Au (g/t)CuEq (%)From (m)

Several drill holes have encountered materially better grade relative to the White Hill MRE resource grade. Drill hole KHDDH638, located on the southern margin of the White Hill deposit, targeted a mineralised and resource controlling fault, intersecting a significantly higher-grade zone of copper and gold mineralisation that is located below the current optimised pit design (Table 2).

Table 2: Several holes encountered materially better grade relative to resource grade. Significant drill intersections from White Hill, include:10

Hole IDInterval (m)Cu (%)Au (g/t)CuEq (%)From (m)


For original announcements please refer to the following:

  • ASX/TSX Announcement 7 June 2023 – New Higher-Grade Zones Found in Kharmagtai Infill Drilling
  • ASX/TSX Announcement 5 July 2023 – Shallow Drilling Confirms Kharmagtai Discovery Potential
  • ASX/TSX Announcement 19 July 2023 – New High-Grade Copper-Gold Zone Emerging at White Hill

Table 1. Drill hole details from the quarter (KH prefix = Kharmagtai, OU prefix = Red Mountain).

Hole IDProspectEastNorthRLAzimuth (°)Inc (°)Depth (m)
KHDDH607Stockwork Hill592376487757812920-60600.1
KHDDH608Stockwork Hill592310487784012910-55400.0
KHDDH609Stockwork Hill59227048779131293270-60410.0
KHDDH610Stockwork Hill592250487765412920-60325.0
KHDDH611Stockwork Hill59218948779191291180-70275.0
KHDDH612Stockwork Hill592126487805112910-60100.0
KHDDH613Stockwork Hill592800487774212830-90573.6
KHDDH614Stockwork Hill592126487784612950-60175.0
KHDDH615Stockwork Hill592126487775512950-60200.0
KHDDH616White Hill591501487740113040-60150.0
KHDDH617White Hill591501487730013070-60231.0
KHDDH618White Hill591501487710113070-60444.3
KHDDH619White Hill591501487700013090-60634.1
KHDDH620White Hill591626487745213030-60175.0
KHDDH621Stockwork Hill592900487790112820-70420.7
KHDDH622Target 1059351848744251289315-60221.8
KHDDH623White Hill591626487735313040-60250.0
KHDDH624White Hill591626487724713060-60423.6
KHDDH625Target 1059403048741881290315-60259.4
KHDDH626White Hill591626487714913060-60596.0
KHDDH627White Hill591626487705113080-60672.8
KHDDH628Stockwork Hill592250487810212890-60125.0
KHDDH629Stockwork Hill592126487795012910-60125.0
KHDDH630Target 1059421848747081290315-60201.0
KHDDH631White Hill591626487695313100-60705.6
KHDDH632White Hill59281948775171274160-60350.0
KHDDH633White Hill591751487747713020-60375.6
KHDDH634White Hill591751487690113100-60826.5
KHDDH635Target 1059446048744411302315-60200.0
KHDDH636Target 1059479448747081290315-60200.0
KHDDH637White Hill591751487725513030-60360.1
KHDDH638White Hill591751487680013130-60817.4
KHDDH639White Hill591751487708013070-60600.5
KHDDH640Target 1159538548739351293315-60200.0
KHDDH641 59599148754181290315-60200.0
KHDDH642White Hill591877487703013070-60625.0
KHDDH643 59643148742281303315-60218.6
KHDDH644White Hill591876487753213010-60200.0
KHDDH645White Hill591876487684913100-60715.6
KHDDH646 59707348747081305315-60200.0
KHDDH647Stockwork Hill592432487769612890-60564.5
KHDDH648 5912074876617131830-702400.0
KHDDH649Stockwork Hill592535487768612870-60560.0
KHDDH650Stockwork Hill592533487777712870-60460.1
KHDDH651White Hill59200648771131304180-60415.0
KHDDH652Stockwork Hill593000487767012840-60350.0
KHDDH653Stockwork Hill593063487763012840-60275.0
KHDDH654Stockwork Hill592854487759912850-60522.5
KHDDH655Stockwork Hill592647487760312880-60735.0
KHDDH656White Hill591876487674713110-60420.6
KHDDH657White Hill592000487750113010-60250.4
KHDDH658White Hill592126487740413030-60550.0
KHDDH659White Hill592001487690013050-60721.6
KHDDH660Stockwork Hill59253548776861287357-60576.6
KHDDH661White Hill592001487680013100-60897.1
KHDDH662White Hill5925004877122130090-60250.0
KHDDH663White Hill592126487750112990-60305.5
KHDDH664White Hill59203948768211307170-70350.0
KHDDH665White Hill592126487690813030-60700.0
KHDDH666White Hill592126487678513070-60473.6
KHDDH667White Hill592250487686713040-65450.0
KHDDH668White Hill59156148772711309270-60225.0
KHDDH669White Hill592250487716613010-65525.0
KHDDH670White Hill592250487703613010-65625.0

Table 2. Significant drill results from the quarter (KH prefix = Kharmagtai, OU prefix = Red Mountain)

Hole IDProspectFrom (m)To (m)Interval (m)Au (g/t)Cu (%)CuEq (%)AuEq (g/t)
KHDDH607Stockwork Hill919100.
and 10611260.
and 121.714927.
and 159193340.
and 214.22227.
and 23423840.
and 252284320.
and 296307110.
and 330.85434.9104.
including 411433220.120.951.011.98
including 426.94314.10.243.823.947.71
and 44544940.
and 492.9501.38.40.350.180.350.69
including 492.94974.10.530.260.531.04
and 512568560.
including 524542180.110.250.300.59
and 578586.
KHDDH608Stockwork Hill0.35112.5112.
including 59112.553.50.490.310.561.09
including 99110.
and 129.714818.
including 129.7135.876.170.290.310.460.89
and 1662701040.
including 22423060.280.300.440.86
and 2824001180.
including 31832240.110.270.320.62
KHDDH609Stockwork Hill101880.
and 283222940.
including 818980.
including 207237300.
and 334350160.320.080.240.48
including 336348120.390.080.280.54
and 378394160.
KHDDH610Stockwork Hill3.54642.
and 5588330.
and 20421280.
and 294325310.
KHDDH611Stockwork Hill31151120.
and 125137120.
and 171.8521442.
and 255275200.
KHDDH612Stockwork Hill898900.
including 5868100.140.300.370.73
KHDDH613Stockwork Hill172580.
and 39111.3572.350.
including 70.987.816.
including 97.61068.
and 121495.6374.
including 14114980.
including 159180.621.60.250.310.440.86
including 1994712720.300.310.460.90
including 237285480.470.450.691.36
including 409419100.570.560.851.66
including 40941340.800.801.212.37
including 441451101.140.370.961.87
including 44345181.250.381.021.99
and 506548420.470.410.661.28
including 507.654840.40.480.420.671.31
including 510544340.530.450.721.41
including 54054441.421.292.013.94
KHDDH614Stockwork Hill2.853936.
and 138174360.
KHDDH615Stockwork Hill2.41613.
and 28173.8145.
including 4668220.300.180.330.65
including 84.110217.
KHDDH616White Hill251501250.
including 2538130.
KHDDH617White Hill02312310.
including 94112180.120.240.300.59
including 144154100.
including 16817240.310.230.380.75
KHDDH618White Hill67444.3377.
including 232275.
including 304328240.
including 34235080.150.260.340.66
including 37437950.120.320.380.74
including 39139760.090.250.300.59
KHDDH619White Hill135634.1499.
including 313.934935.
including 387405.318.30.180.360.450.89
including 417.2435.918.
including 49550380.100.280.320.63
including 523.25317.
including 62162540.070.330.360.71
KHDDH620White Hill0.5175174.
KHDDH621Stockwork Hill202214120.
KHDDH622Target 10951420.
and 6194330.
and 127142150.091.261.312.56
including 132.051385.950.212.973.086.02
and 21521940.030.480.500.98
KHDDH623White Hill02502500.
including 283460.370.220.410.80
including 72116440.160.270.350.69
including 230246160.170.240.330.64
KHDDH624White Hill03973970.
including 85139.
including 149166.717.
including 183212.629.60.220.310.420.82
including 229238.
including 321.63308.40.180.320.410.81
including 340362.722.70.200.300.400.79
and 411423.612.
KHDDH625Target 101.4108.
and 2848.320.
including 324080.010.450.460.90
and 647060.
and 80.214059.
including 9099.549.540.
and 150220700.
including 184194100.120.240.300.58
and 238250120.
KHDDH626White Hill35965930.140.250.320.63
including 1192411220.160.300.380.75
including 256.9400143.
including 36437060.230.430.551.07
including 412501.9889.980.160.250.330.64
including 512596840.180.320.410.80
KHDDH627White Hill13672.8659.
including 3742.
including 657160.
including 201222210.120.250.310.60
including 232294.662.60.230.430.551.07
including 246272260.290.570.711.40
including 33133760.160.260.340.67
including 347376290.170.270.360.70
including 426464380.150.260.340.66
including 523546230.
including 577599220.
including 629645.416.
including 66366740.160.300.380.73
KHDDH628Stockwork Hill1022120.670.060.400.79
including 101880.930.070.551.07
and 3250180.
KHDDH629Stockwork Hill3.3125121.
including 3.3139.
including 495340.160.440.511.01
including 111121100.090.290.340.66
KHDDH630Target 10768610.
and 99.111616.
KHDDH631White Hill97705.6608.
including 270.928110.10.150.380.460.90
including 339407.568.
including 35736140.220.660.771.51
including 432.4516.4840.140.260.330.64
including 527544.617.
including 554.857520.
including 60961340.190.360.450.88
including 639655160.130.300.360.71
including 66967340.110.260.320.62
including 685705.620.60.120.310.370.72
KHDDH632White Hill25525940.060.270.300.58
KHDDH633White Hill02712710.
including 415.411.40.260.380.511.00
including 41390.250.370.500.98
including 3568330.
including 8898.510.
and 283.332137.
and 333375.642.
KHDDH634White Hill126160340.
and 172826.5654.
including 352360.
including 392410.3218.320.140.270.340.67
including 426567.5141.50.180.390.480.94
including 49450280.290.630.781.53
including 512544320.250.480.611.19
including 556567.511.50.190.540.631.24
including 617675580.230.590.711.38
including 65165980.501.171.432.79
KHDDH635Target 103740.
and 21127.65106.650.
including 313540.220.850.951.87
including 8590.
and 157.720042.
KHDDH636Target 105.332.627.
and 495890.
and 902001100.
KHDDH637White Hill2.7360.1357.
including 253160.200.310.410.80
including 421861440.150.300.380.74
including 12312960.330.460.631.23
including 222.6359136.
KHDDH638White Hill203.82084.
and 273.4817.45440.120.340.400.79
including 36036440.120.280.340.67
including 4225251030.160.320.400.78
including 541.158846.
including 6008152150.150.520.601.17
including 634697630.230.921.032.02
including 645673280.321.451.613.15
including 711723120.190.440.541.05
including 736.5747.811.30.160.660.741.45
KHDDH639White Hill8600.5592.
including 303660.120.330.390.77
including 4858.410.40.160.330.410.81
including 72.49421.
including 168177.
including 195.7304108.
including 314.435439.
including 480.7487.
including 497511140.140.250.330.64
including 558599410.120.260.320.62
KHDDH641 84112280.
KHDDH642White Hill24544520.
including 10010440.200.360.460.90
including 120129.
including 165187220.
including 205341.8136.80.190.300.400.79
including 261272110.390.440.641.26
including 385413280.
and 470552820.
including 503.55095.
including 52152540.090.300.340.67
and 562625630.170.280.370.73
including 580.862544.20.200.350.450.88
KHDDH644White Hill02002000.
including 10210640.140.300.370.72
KHDDH645White Hill757940.
and 153.817117.
and 180.627998.
and 313715.6402.60.140.320.400.77
including 3375802430.150.320.400.78
including 512536240.210.570.681.33
including 592658660.190.450.551.07
including 609615.
including 625658330.230.540.661.28
including 668.370637.70.140.370.440.86
including 668.368213.70.240.540.661.29
KHDDH646 14715140.330.020.190.38
KHDDH647Stockwork Hill521160.
and 94104100.
and 142164220.
and 174211370.
including 184211270.
and 2583671090.120.250.310.61
including 258278200.230.430.551.07
including 258274160.240.470.591.16
including 290304140.
including 317332150.120.330.390.76
including 349363140.150.250.330.65
and 38138980.
and 40340960.
and 423435120.
and 467560930.
including 471485.714.
including 534546121.040.170.701.38
KHDDH648 29123940.
including 99111120.
and 139221820.
and 241269280.
and 287311240.
and 325345200.
and 423.247955.
including 423.243915.
including 45145760.080.260.310.60
and 49110725810.
including 509527180.070.270.310.60
including 619707880.080.280.320.63
including 62763580.170.640.731.43
including 717798810.090.290.340.66
including 759763.
including 824836120.
including 848872240.100.300.350.69
including 964976120.
including 10041020160.180.220.320.62
Assays pending
KHDDH649Stockwork Hill2638120.
and 5060100.
and 10811240.
and 1265504240.210.260.360.71
including 126198.272.20.600.410.721.40
including 134.315419.70.830.510.931.82
including 168198.230.20.760.500.891.73
including 186198.
including 22022660.610.310.621.22
including 276296200.280.300.450.88
including 318382640.150.410.480.94
including 348378300.160.510.591.16
including 34835460.190.860.961.88
including 396452560.120.270.330.64
including 40040440.160.620.701.37
including 466484180.230.540.661.29
including 470484140.250.600.731.42
including 504514100.
KHDDH650Stockwork Hill62822760.360.330.521.01
including 61371310.670.350.701.36
including 26102761.000.450.961.88
including 5896.538.51.440.511.242.43
including 16116980.110.290.350.68
including 185214290.140.921.001.95
including 187207.320.
including 187205180.171.231.312.57
including 264282180.040.360.380.74
and 2924191270.330.280.460.89
including 297320.6523.650.160.330.410.80
including 31531940.360.720.901.76
including 347388.741.70.810.530.941.85
including 349388.739.70.840.540.971.91
including 353386330.890.551.011.97
and 437446.
KHDDH651White Hill23163140.
including 5474200.
including 10210640.170.240.330.64
including 118.1513011.850.150.290.370.72
including 156160.854.850.
and 326416900.
including 374388140.100.310.360.71
KHDDH652Stockwork Hill127.41324.60.640.130.460.89
and 194230360.
including 19420280.
and 256280240.
and 298326280.
KHDDH653Stockwork Hill13414280.
and 15616040.
and 183.81906.21.311.422.084.08
and 202216141.320.150.831.62
including 210.3214.84.53.910.362.364.61
and 26927560.
KHDDH654Stockwork Hill144158140.110.410.470.92
including 146158120.110.460.521.01
including 15415840.210.921.032.01
and 198218200.
and 232242100.
and 256501.1245.
including 272279.
including 299351520.130.280.350.68
including 361439780.100.290.340.66
including 36737140.200.961.062.06
including 455.247822.
including 488501.
KHDDH655Stockwork Hill727860.
and 178210320.
and 2366063700.280.410.551.08
including 2425903480.290.430.581.13
including 25025440.700.300.661.29
including 29630040.160.630.711.38
including 34635040.410.440.651.27
including 364376120.650.520.851.66
including 3864921060.480.560.801.57
including 39239640.581.151.442.82
including 426450240.710.801.162.27
including 522534120.100.450.500.97
including 544590460.320.690.851.66
including 54855460.
including 578590120.691.001.352.63
and 616650340.
including 64264860.240.340.460.91
and 672696240.
including 67868240.170.260.350.68
and 724734100.
KHDDH656White Hill85.491.255.850.300.060.210.42
and 114.85122.187.330.
and 224420.6196.
including 280296160.110.280.340.66
including 346362160.
KHDDH657White Hill12332320.
including 119180.260.230.360.70
including 87103160.
KHDDH658White HillAssays pending
KHDDH659White HillAssays pending
KHDDH660Stockwork HillAssays pending
KHDDH661White HillAssays pending
KHDDH662White HillAssays pending
KHDDH663White HillAssays pending
KHDDH664White HillAssays pending
KHDDH665White HillAssays pending
KHDDH666White HillAssays pending
KHDDH667White HillAssays pending
KHDDH668White HillAssays pending
KHDDH669White HillAssays pending
KHDDH670White HillAssays pending



The JORC Code, 2012 sets out minimum standards, recommendations and guidelines for Public Reporting in Australasia of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. The Information contained in this Announcement has been presented in accordance with the JORC Code, 2012.


Previously reported Mineral Resource Estimates for Kharmagtai have not changed. There are no reported Ore Reserves.


There were no mine production or development activities during the June 2023 Quarter.


Xanadu held licenses for the following tenements during the June 2023 Quarter. No new farm-in or farm-out agreements were entered into during the quarter.

Project NameTenement NameBeneficial Ownership Start of QuarterBeneficial Ownership End of QuarterLocation
Red Mountain
Red Mountain100%100%Mongolia, Dornogobi province, Saikhandulaan soum
38.25%2438.25%Mongolia, Umnugobi province, Tsogttsetsii soum


The information in this announcement that relates to Mineral Resources is based on information compiled by Mr Robert Spiers, who is responsible for the Mineral Resource Estimate. Mr Spiers is a full time Principal Geologist employed by Spiers Geological Consultants (SGC) and is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. He has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity he is undertaking to qualify as the Qualified Person as defined in the CIM Guidelines and National Instrument 43-101 and as a Competent Person under JORC Code, 2012. Mr Spiers consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it appears.

The information in this announcement that relates to exploration results is based on information compiled by Dr Andrew Stewart, who is responsible for the exploration data, comments on exploration target sizes, QA/QC and geological interpretation and information. Dr Stewart, who is an employee of Xanadu and is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Geoscientists, has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity he is undertaking to qualify as the Competent Person as defined in the JORC Code, 2012 and the National Instrument 43-101. Dr Stewart consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it appears.


As set out in section 6.1 of the attached Appendix 5B, Mining exploration entity or oil and gas exploration entity quarterly cash flow report, payments made to related parties and their associates was approx. $435,000 in the June 2023 Quarter. The amounts relate to salary, superannuation and bonus payments to Directors; legal fees paid to HopgoodGanim Lawyers (a company associated with Xanadu Non-Executive Director Michele Muscillo) for legal services; rent paid to Xanadu Executive Director Ganbayar Lkhagvasuren in relation to Xanadu’s Ulaanbaatar office; and rent fees paid to Colin Moorhead & Associates (a company associated with Xanadu’s Executive Chairman and Managing Director, Colin Moorhead) in relation to a share of Xanadu’s Melbourne office.


Certain statements contained in this Announcement, including information as to the future financial or operating performance of Xanadu and its projects may also include statements which are ‘forward‐looking statements’ that may include, amongst other things, statements regarding targets, estimates and assumptions in respect of mineral reserves and mineral resources and anticipated grades and recovery rates, production and prices, recovery costs and results, capital expenditures and are or may be based on assumptions and estimates related to future technical, economic, market, political, social and other conditions. These ‘forward-looking statements’ are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Xanadu, are inherently subject to significant technical, business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties and contingencies and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from estimated or anticipated events or results reflected in such forward‐looking statements.

Xanadu disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly or release any revisions to any forward‐looking statements, whether a result of new information, future events, circumstances or results or otherwise after the date of this Announcement or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, other than required by the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Listing Rules of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). The words ‘believe’, ‘expect’, ‘anticipate’, ‘indicate’, ‘contemplate’, ‘target’, ‘plan’, ‘intends’, ‘continue’, ‘budget’, ‘estimate’, ‘may’, ‘will’, ‘schedule’ and similar expressions identify forward‐looking statements.

All ‘forward‐looking statements’ made in this Announcement are qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements. Investors are cautioned that ‘forward‐looking statements’ are not guarantee of future performance and accordingly investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on ‘forward‐looking statements’ due to the inherent uncertainty therein.

For further information, please visit the Xanadu Mines web site www.xanadumines.com.

Appendix 5B

Mining exploration entity or oil and gas exploration entity
quarterly cash flow report

Name of entity
Xanadu Mines Ltd  
ABN Quarter ended (“current quarter”)
92 114 249 026   30 June 2023  

Consolidated statement of cash flowsCurrent quarter

Year to date
(6 months)
1.Cash flows from operating activities-


1.1Receipts from customers
1.2Payments for-


 (a)    exploration & evaluation
 (b)    development- - 
 (c)    production- - 
 (d)    staff costs(991)(1,425)
 (e)    administration and corporate costs(1,380)(2,434)
1.3Dividends received (see note 3)- - 
1.4Interest received0 1 
1.5Interest and other costs of finance paid(10)(23)
1.6Income taxes paid  
1.7Government grants and tax incentives  
1.8Other (JV Operator Overhead Recoveries)1,001 1,001 
1.9Net cash from / (used in) operating activities(1,380)(2,880)

Consolidated statement of cash flowsCurrent quarter

Year to date
(6 months)
2.Cash flows from investing activities-


2.1Payments to acquire or for:
 (a)    entities
 (b)    tenements- - 
 (c)    property, plant and equipment(7)(7)
 (d)    exploration & evaluation10 (87)
 (e)    investments(144)(288)
 (f)    other non-current assets- - 
2.2Proceeds from the disposal of:-


 (a)    entities
 (b)    tenements- - 
 (c)    property, plant and equipment- - 
 (d)    investments- - 
 (e)    other non-current assets- - 
2.3Cash flows from loans to other entities419 - 
2.4Dividends received (see note 3)- - 
2.5Other (provide details if material)- - 
2.6Net cash from / (used in) investing activities278 (382)
3.Cash flows from financing activities-


3.1Proceeds from issues of equity securities (excluding convertible debt securities)
3.2Proceeds from issue of convertible debt securities- - 
3.3Proceeds from exercise of options- - 
3.4Transaction costs related to issues of equity securities or convertible debt securities- - 
3.5Proceeds from borrowings- - 
3.6Repayment of borrowings- - 
3.7Transaction costs related to loans and borrowings- (75)
3.8Dividends paid- - 
3.9Other (provide details if material)- - 
3.10Net cash from / (used in) financing activities8,221 8,221 

4.Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents for the periodCurrent quarter

Year to date
(6 months)
4.1Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period6,177 118 
4.2Net cash from / (used in) operating activities (item 1.9 above)(1,380)(2,880)
4.3Net cash from / (used in) investing activities (item 2.6 above)278 (382)
4.4Net cash from / (used in) financing activities (item 3.10 above)- 8,221 
4.5Effect of movement in exchange rates on cash held- - 
4.6Cash and cash equivalents at end of period5,077 5,077 

5.Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents
at the end of the quarter (as shown in the consolidated statement of cash flows) to the related items in the accounts
Current quarter
Previous quarter
5.1Bank balances5,0776,177
5.2Call deposits--
5.3Bank overdrafts--
5.4Other (provide details)--
5.5Cash and cash equivalents at end of quarter (should equal item 4.6 above)5,0776,117

6.Payments to related parties of the entity and their associatesCurrent quarter
6.1Aggregate amount of payments to related parties and their associates included in item 1435
6.2Aggregate amount of payments to related parties and their associates included in item 2-
Note: if any amounts are shown in items 6.1 or 6.2, your quarterly activity report must include a description of, and an explanation for, such payments.

7.Financing facilities
Note: the term “facility’ includes all forms of financing arrangements available to the entity.

Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the sources of finance available to the entity.
Total facility
amount at quarter

Amount drawn at
quarter end

7.1Loan facilities--
7.2Credit standby arrangements--
7.3Other (please specify)--
7.4Total financing facilities--
7.5Unused financing facilities available at quarter end-

Include in the box below a description of each facility above, including the lender, interest rate, maturity date and whether it is secured or unsecured. If any additional financing facilities have been entered into or are proposed to be entered into after quarter end, include a note providing details of those facilities as well.

8.Estimated cash available for future operating activities$A’000
8.1Net cash from / (used in) operating activities (item 1.9)(1,380)
8.2(Payments for exploration & evaluation classified as investing activities) (item 2.1(d))10 
8.3Total relevant outgoings (item 8.1 + item 8.2)(1,370)
8.4Cash and cash equivalents at quarter end (item 4.6)5,077 
8.5Unused finance facilities available at quarter end (item 7.5)- 
8.6Total available funding (item 8.4 + item 8.5)5,077 

Estimated quarters of funding available (item 8.6 divided by item 8.3)3.71
Note: if the entity has reported positive relevant outgoings (ie a net cash inflow) in item 8.3, answer item 8.7 as “N/A”. Otherwise, a figure for the estimated quarters of funding available must be included in item 8.7.
8.8If item 8.7 is less than 2 quarters, please provide answers to the following questions:
 8.8.1        Does the entity expect that it will continue to have the current level of net operating cash flows for the time being and, if not, why not?
 Answer: Funding available for in excess of 2 quarters so no response required.

 8.8.2        Has the entity taken any steps, or does it propose to take any steps, to raise further cash to fund its operations and, if so, what are those steps and how likely does it believe that they will be successful?
 Answer: Funding available for in excess of 2 quarters so no response required.

 8.8.3        Does the entity expect to be able to continue its operations and to meet its business objectives and, if so, on what basis?
 Answer: Funding available for in excess of 2 quarters so no response required.

 Note: where item 8.7 is less than 2 quarters, all of questions 8.8.1, 8.8.2 and 8.8.3 above must be answered.

Compliance statement

1This statement has been prepared in accordance with accounting standards and policies which comply with Listing Rule 19.11A.
2This statement gives a true and fair view of the matters disclosed.
Date:31 July 2023
Authorised by:The Board of Directors
 (Name of body or officer authorising release – see note 4)
1.This quarterly cash flow report and the accompanying activity report provide a basis for informing the market about the entity’s activities for the past quarter, how they have been financed and the effect this has had on its cash position. An entity that wishes to disclose additional information over and above the minimum required under the Listing Rules is encouraged to do so.
2.If this quarterly cash flow report has been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, the definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 6: Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources and AASB 107: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this report. If this quarterly cash flow report has been prepared in accordance with other accounting standards agreed by ASX pursuant to Listing Rule 19.11A, the corresponding equivalent standards apply to this report.
3.Dividends received may be classified either as cash flows from operating activities or cash flows from investing activities, depending on the accounting policy of the entity.
4.If this report has been authorised for release to the market by your board of directors, you can insert here: “By the board”. If it has been authorised for release to the market by a committee of your board of directors, you can insert here: “By the [name of board committeeeg Audit and Risk Committee]”. If it has been authorised for release to the market by a disclosure committee, you can insert here: “By the Disclosure Committee”.
5.If this report has been authorised for release to the market by your board of directors and you wish to hold yourself out as complying with recommendation 4.2 of the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations, the board should have received a declaration from its CEO and CFO that, in their opinion, the financial records of the entity have been properly maintained, that this report complies with the appropriate accounting standards and gives a true and fair view of the cash flows of the entity, and that their opinion has been formed on the basis of a sound system of risk management and internal control which is operating effectively.


1 ASX/TSX Announcement 7 June 2023 – New Higher-Grade Zones Found in Kharmagtai Infill Drilling
2 ASX/TSX Announcement 19 July 2023 – New High-Grade Copper-Gold Zone Emerging at White Hill
3 ASX/TSX Announcement – 8 December 2021, Kharmagtai Resource Grows to 1.1 Billion Tonnes, Containing 3Mt Cu and 8Moz Au
4 ASX/TSX Announcement 5 July 2023 – Shallow Drilling Confirms Kharmagtai Discovery Potential
5 ASX/TSX Announcement 29 December 2022 – Investment Deal Signed with Zijin
6 ASX/TSX Announcement 16 May 2023 – RIU Sydney Resources Roundup Presentation
7 ASX/TSX Announcement 4 May 2023 – Sustainability Report 2022
8 ASX/TSX Announcement 29 May 2023 – Results of 2023 Annual General Meeting
9 ASX/TSX Announcement 16 May 2023 – RIU Sydney Resources Roundup Presentation
10 ASX/TSX Announcement 16 May 2023 – RIU Sydney Resources Roundup Presentation
11 ASX/TSX Announcement 4 May 2023 – Sustainability Report 2022
12 ASX/TSX Announcement 29 May 2023 – Results of 2023 Annual General Meeting
13 ASX/TSX Announcement 19 June 2023 – Response to Price Query
14 ASX/TSX Announcement 20 June 2022 - NI 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment Technical Report.
15 ASX/TSX Announcement 20 June 2022 – NI43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment Technical Report
16 ASX/TSX Announcement – 8 December 2021, Kharmagtai Resource Grows to 1.1 Billion Tonnes, Containing 3Mt Cu and 8Moz Au
17 ASX/TSX Announcement 16 May 2023 – RIU Sydney Resources Roundup Presentation
18 ASX/TSX Announcement 23 May 2023 – High Impact Drilling Program for New Discoveries at Kharmagtai
19 ASX/TSX Announcement 5 July 2023 – Shallow Drilling Confirms Kharmagtai Discovery Potential
20 ASX/TSX Announcement 5 July 2023 – Shallow Drilling Confirms Kharmagtai Discovery Potential
21 ASX/TSX Announcement 7 June 2023 – New Higher-Grade Zones Found in Kharmagtai Infill Drilling
22 ASX/TSX Announcement 7 June 2023 – New Higher-Grade Zones Found in Kharmagtai Infill Drilling
23 ASX/TSX Announcement 7 June 2023 – New Higher-Grade Zones Found in Kharmagtai Infill Drilling
24 38.25% represents 50% of Khuiten Metals via the Khuiten JV with Zijin. Khuiten Metals controls Kharmagtai and holds 76.5% of the Kharmagtai mining lease.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:









Company ProfileXanadu Mines Ltd.Industry: MiningWebsite: